const expect = require("expect") const translator = require("../../docker/configurator/translator") const dedent = require("dedent") describe("docker: env translator", function() { describe("fundamentals", function() { it("should generate an empty baseline config", function () { const input = {} expect(translator(input)).toEqual(``) }) it("should call an onFound callback", function () { const input = { MY_THING: "hey" } const onFoundSpy = expect.createSpy() const schema = { MY_THING: { type: "string", name: "myThing", onFound: onFoundSpy } } const res = translator(input, { schema }) expect(res).toEqual(`myThing: "hey",`) expect(onFoundSpy.calls.length).toEqual(1) }) it("should use a regular value over a legacy one, regardless of order", function () { const schema = { MY_THING: { type: "string", name: "myThing" }, MY_OTHER_THING: { type: "string", name: "myThing", legacy: true } } // Regular value provided first expect(translator({ MY_THING: "hey", MY_OTHER_THING: "hello" }, { schema })).toEqual(`myThing: "hey",`) // Legacy value provided first expect(translator({ MY_OTHER_THING: "hello", MY_THING: "hey" }, { schema })).toEqual(`myThing: "hey",`) }) it("should use a legacy value over a base one, regardless of order", function () { const schema = { MY_THING: { type: "string", name: "myThing", legacy: true } } const baseConfig = { myThing: { value: "base", schema: { type: "string", base: true } } } // Regular value provided first expect(translator({ MY_THING: "legacy" }, { injectBaseConfig: true, schema, baseConfig })).toEqual(`myThing: "legacy",`) }) }) describe("Swagger UI configuration", function() { it("should generate a base config including the base content", function () { const input = {} expect(translator(input, { injectBaseConfig: true })).toEqual(dedent(` url: "", "dom_id": "#swagger-ui", deepLinking: true, presets: [ SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis, SwaggerUIStandalonePreset ], plugins: [ SwaggerUIBundle.plugins.DownloadUrl ], layout: "StandaloneLayout", `)) }) it("should ignore an unknown config", function () { const input = { ASDF1234: "wow hello" } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(``)) }) it("should generate a string config", function () { const input = { URL: "", FILTER: "" } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` url: "", filter: "",` ).trim()) }) it("should generate a boolean config", function () { const input = { DEEP_LINKING: "true", SHOW_EXTENSIONS: "false", SHOW_COMMON_EXTENSIONS: "" } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` deepLinking: true, showExtensions: false, showCommonExtensions: undefined,` )) }) it("should generate an object config", function () { const input = { SPEC: `{ swagger: "2.0" }` } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` spec: { swagger: "2.0" },` ).trim()) }) it("should generate an array config", function () { const input = { URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS: "" } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` urls: ["/one", "/two"], supportedSubmitMethods: undefined,` ).trim()) }) it("should properly escape key names when necessary", function () { const input = { URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, URLS_PRIMARY_NAME: "one", } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` urls: ["/one", "/two"], "urls.primaryName": "one",` ).trim()) }) it("should disregard a legacy variable in favor of a regular one", function () { const input = { // Order is important to this test... legacy vars should be // superseded regardless of what is fed in first. API_URL: "/old.json", URL: "/swagger.json", URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, API_URLS: `["/three", "/four"]`, } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` url: "/swagger.json", urls: ["/one", "/two"],` ).trim()) }) it("should pick up legacy variables when using base config", function () { const input = { API_URL: "/swagger.json", API_URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, } expect(translator(input, { injectBaseConfig: true })).toEqual(dedent(` "dom_id": "#swagger-ui", deepLinking: true, presets: [ SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis, SwaggerUIStandalonePreset ], plugins: [ SwaggerUIBundle.plugins.DownloadUrl ], layout: "StandaloneLayout", url: "/swagger.json", urls: ["/one", "/two"],` ).trim()) }) it("should generate a full config k:v string", function () { const input = { API_URL: "/old.yaml", API_URLS: `["/old", "/older"]`, CONFIG_URL: "/wow", DOM_ID: "#swagger_ui", SPEC: `{ swagger: "2.0" }`, URL: "/swagger.json", URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, URLS_PRIMARY_NAME: "one", LAYOUT: "BaseLayout", DEEP_LINKING: "false", DISPLAY_OPERATION_ID: "true", DEFAULT_MODELS_EXPAND_DEPTH: "0", DEFAULT_MODEL_EXPAND_DEPTH: "1", DEFAULT_MODEL_RENDERING: "example", DISPLAY_REQUEST_DURATION: "true", DOC_EXPANSION: "full", FILTER: "wowee", MAX_DISPLAYED_TAGS: "4", SHOW_EXTENSIONS: "true", SHOW_COMMON_EXTENSIONS: "false", OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL: "", SHOW_MUTATED_REQUEST: "true", SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS: `["get", "post"]`, VALIDATOR_URL: "" } expect(translator(input)).toEqual(dedent(` configUrl: "/wow", "dom_id": "#swagger_ui", spec: { swagger: "2.0" }, url: "/swagger.json", urls: ["/one", "/two"], "urls.primaryName": "one", layout: "BaseLayout", deepLinking: false, displayOperationId: true, defaultModelsExpandDepth: 0, defaultModelExpandDepth: 1, defaultModelRendering: "example", displayRequestDuration: true, docExpansion: "full", filter: "wowee", maxDisplayedTags: 4, showExtensions: true, showCommonExtensions: false, oauth2RedirectUrl: "", showMutatedRequest: true, supportedSubmitMethods: ["get", "post"], validatorUrl: "",` ).trim()) }) it("should generate a full config k:v string including base config", function () { const input = { API_URL: "/old.yaml", API_URLS: `["/old", "/older"]`, CONFIG_URL: "/wow", DOM_ID: "#swagger_ui", SPEC: `{ swagger: "2.0" }`, URL: "/swagger.json", URLS: `["/one", "/two"]`, URLS_PRIMARY_NAME: "one", LAYOUT: "BaseLayout", DEEP_LINKING: "false", DISPLAY_OPERATION_ID: "true", DEFAULT_MODELS_EXPAND_DEPTH: "0", DEFAULT_MODEL_EXPAND_DEPTH: "1", DEFAULT_MODEL_RENDERING: "example", DISPLAY_REQUEST_DURATION: "true", DOC_EXPANSION: "full", FILTER: "wowee", MAX_DISPLAYED_TAGS: "4", SHOW_EXTENSIONS: "true", SHOW_COMMON_EXTENSIONS: "false", OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URL: "", SHOW_MUTATED_REQUEST: "true", SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS: `["get", "post"]`, VALIDATOR_URL: "" } expect(translator(input, { injectBaseConfig: true })).toEqual(dedent(` presets: [ SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis, SwaggerUIStandalonePreset ], plugins: [ SwaggerUIBundle.plugins.DownloadUrl ], configUrl: "/wow", "dom_id": "#swagger_ui", spec: { swagger: "2.0" }, url: "/swagger.json", urls: ["/one", "/two"], "urls.primaryName": "one", layout: "BaseLayout", deepLinking: false, displayOperationId: true, defaultModelsExpandDepth: 0, defaultModelExpandDepth: 1, defaultModelRendering: "example", displayRequestDuration: true, docExpansion: "full", filter: "wowee", maxDisplayedTags: 4, showExtensions: true, showCommonExtensions: false, oauth2RedirectUrl: "", showMutatedRequest: true, supportedSubmitMethods: ["get", "post"], validatorUrl: "",` ).trim()) }) }) })