- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # Split a media file into multiple files of equal time length
- #
- # Usage:
- #
- # jsplit in-file out-dir interval [start] [end]
- #
- # in-file : file to trim
- # out-dir : write split files to this directory (will be created if it does not exist)
- # interval : time duration of output files, in seconds
- # start : when to start splitting the in-file. default is 0 (start)
- # end : when to stop splitting the in-file. default is to continue until end of file is reached
- #
- SCRIPT="${0}"
- SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${SCRIPT}")" && pwd)"
- . "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/jvc_common
- IN_FILE="${1?no in-file provided}"
- OUT_DIR="${2?no out-dir provided}"
- if [[ -e "${OUT_DIR}" && ! -d "${OUT_DIR}" ]] ; then
- die "Not a directory: ${OUT_DIR}"
- fi
- mkdir -p "${OUT_DIR}" || die "Error creating ${OUT_DIR}"
- INTERVAL="${3?no interval provided}"
- T_START="${4}"
- T_END="${5}"
- echo "
- {
- \"assets\": [
- { \"name\": \"input\", \"path\": \"${IN_FILE}\" }
- ],
- \"operations\": [
- {
- \"operation\": \"split\",
- \"creates\": {
- \"name\": \"splits\",
- \"dest\": \"${OUT_DIR}/\"
- },
- \"source\": \"input\",
- \"interval\": \"${INTERVAL}\"$(if [[ -n "${T_START}" ]] ; then echo ",
- \"start\": \"${T_START}\"" ; fi)$(if [[ -n "${T_END}" ]] ; then echo ",
- \"end\": \"${T_END}\"," ; fi)
- }
- ]
- }
- " | "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/jvc ${JVC_OPTIONS}