#!/bin/bash # # Concatenate media files # # Usage: # # jconcat out-file in-file-1 [in-file-2 ...] # # out-file : output file # in-file-N : input files # # BEWARE SHELL WILDCARDS! # Shell wildcards will match files in non-deterministic order, meaning that # your combined file will be assembled out of order. # # If you are combining files that were split with `jvcl` (or `jsplit`), then # sorting them by time (oldest first) is sufficient. # # For example, do this: # # jconcat combined-file.mp4 $(ls -1tr path/to/parts*.mp4) # # NOT THIS: # # jconcat combined-file.mp4 path/to/parts*.mp4 # args not ordered! # SCRIPT="${0}" SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${SCRIPT}")" && pwd)" . "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/jvcl_common OUT_FILE="${1?no out-file provided}" shift IN_FILE="${1?no in-file(s) provided}" echo " { \"assets\": [ $( F_INDEX=0 for path in "$@" ; do if [[ ${F_INDEX} -gt 0 ]] ; then echo "," fi F_INDEX=$((F_INDEX + 1)) echo -n " { \"name\": \"input_${F_INDEX}\", \"path\": \"${path}\" }" shift done) ], \"operations\": [ { \"operation\": \"concat\", \"creates\": { \"name\": \"combined\", \"dest\": \"${OUT_FILE}\" }, \"sources\": [$(END=$# for ((i=1;i<=END;i++)); do if [[ ${i} -gt 1 ]] ; then echo -n "," ; fi echo -n " \"input_${i}\"" done) ] } ] } " | "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/jvcl -z ${JVCL_OPTIONS}