"height": "1024", // output height in pixes. default is source height
"dest": "src/test/resources/outputs/overlay/"
"source": "vid1", // main video asset
"source": "v1", // main video asset
"start": "30", // when (on the main video timeline) to begin showing the overlay. default is 0 (beginning)
"end": "30 + overlay.duration", // when (on the main video timeline) to stop showing the overlay. default is to play the entire overlay
"overlay": {
"source": "vid2", // overlay this video on the main video
"source": "v2", // overlay this video on the main video
"start": "0", // when (on the overlay video timeline) to begin playback on the overlay. default is 0 (beginning)
"end": "overlay.duration", // when (on the overlay video timeline) to end playback on the overlay. default is to play the entire overlay
"width": "overlay.width / 2", // how wide the overlay will be, in pixels. default is the full overlay width, or maintain aspect ratio if height was set