@@ -79,11 +79,20 @@ cat my-spec.jvcl | jvcl |
Output assets will be placed in the scratch directory, unless otherwise specified |
in the spec file. By default, JVCL will create a new temporary directory to use as the scratch |
directory. You can set the scratch directory explicitly using the `-t` or `--temp-dir` option: |
```shell script |
jvcl -t /some/tempdir my-spec.json |
``` |
#### Dry Running |
Use the `-n` or `--no-exec` option to print out the commands that would have been run, |
but do not actually run anything. |
```shell script |
jvcl -n my-spec.json # will not run any ffmpeg commands |
``` |
Note that this breaks JVCL operations that require information from any assets created by |
previous operations: since the command did not actually run, the intermediate asset was |
never created. |
#### Command Help |
To view a list of all `jvcl` command-line options, run `jvcl -h` or `jvcl --help` |