The main Bubble source repository. Contains the Bubble API server, the web UI, documentation and utilities.
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  1. // ----------------------
  2. // Bubble Activation JSON
  3. // ----------------------
  4. //
  5. // Do not edit this file directly. Copy this file somewhere else and edit the copy.
  6. //
  7. // When you are happy with your edits, activate a blank bubble using:
  8. //
  9. // ./bin/bactivate /path/to/your/activation.json
  10. //
  11. // NOTE: In this file, if you see '//' it means that it and everything after it on that line is a comment.
  12. // Normally comments are not valid JSON, but when you run `bactivate` the Bubble toolchain strips out
  13. // the comments before sending the request to the Bubble server.
  14. //
  15. {
  16. ///////////////////////
  17. // Initial Admin
  18. ///////////////////////
  19. // email, password and description of the initial admin user
  20. "name": "root@local.local", // change this to an email address only you have access to
  22. "description": "root user",
  23. "cloudConfigs" : {
  24. ///////////////////////
  25. // DNS
  26. ///////////////////////
  27. // You must configure at least one of these DNS services
  28. // Comment the other one out if you're not going to use it
  29. "Route53Dns" : {
  30. "credentials" : {
  31. "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "your_aws_access_key_id",
  32. "AWS_SECRET_KEY": "your_aws_secret_key"
  33. }
  34. },
  35. "GoDaddyDns" : {
  36. "credentials" : {
  37. "GODADDY_API_KEY": "your_godaddy_api_key",
  38. "GODADDY_API_SECRET": "your_godaddy_api_secret"
  39. }
  40. },
  41. ///////////////////////
  42. // Compute
  43. ///////////////////////
  44. // You must configure at least one of these Compute services
  45. // Comment the other one out if you're not going to use it
  46. "VultrCompute": {
  47. "credentials": {"API-Key": "your_vultr_api_key"}
  48. },
  49. "DigitalOceanCompute": {
  50. "credentials": {"apiKey": "your_digitalocean_api_key"}
  51. },
  52. "AmazonEC2Driver" : {
  53. "config": {
  54. // region must be a valid value from the Regions enum:
  55. "region": "your_aws_region" // for example: us-east-1
  56. },
  57. "credentials" : {
  58. "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "your_aws_access_key_id",
  59. "AWS_SECRET_KEY": "your_aws_secret_key"
  60. }
  61. },
  62. ///////////////////////
  63. // Storage
  64. ///////////////////////
  65. // You must configure the AWS S3 Storage service in order to launch new Bubbles
  66. "S3Storage" : {
  67. "config": {
  68. // region must be a valid value from the Regions enum:
  69. "region": "US_EAST_1",
  70. "bucket": "must be a valid bucket name that the credentials can read/write/list/delete",
  71. "prefix": "", // optional: all paths for S3 operations will be prefixed with this path
  72. "listFetchSize": 100
  73. },
  74. "credentials" : {
  75. "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "your_aws_access_key_id",
  76. "AWS_SECRET_KEY": "your_aws_secret_key"
  77. }
  78. },
  79. ///////////////////////
  80. // Email
  81. ///////////////////////
  82. // You must configure an email service, it is required to send emails
  83. // Comment out the other ones out if you're not going to use them
  84. "SmtpEmail": {
  85. "config": { "tlsEnabled": true },
  86. "credentials": {
  87. "user": "your_smtp_username",
  88. "password": "your_smtp_password",
  89. "host": "your_smtp_server_hostname",
  90. "port": "your_smtp_server_port"
  91. }
  92. },
  93. "SendGridEmail": {
  94. "config": {},
  95. "credentials": {
  96. "apiKey": "your_sendgrid_api_key"
  97. }
  98. },
  99. "MailgunEmail": {
  100. "config": {},
  101. "credentials": {
  102. "domain": "your_mailgun_domain",
  103. "apiKey": "your_mailgun_api_key"
  104. }
  105. },
  106. ///////////////////////
  107. // TOTP Auth
  108. ///////////////////////
  109. // Required for TOTP-based authentication. Nothing to configure, just leave this as-is
  110. "TOTPAuthenticator": {},
  111. ///////////////////////
  112. // SMS
  113. ///////////////////////
  114. // Required for sending SMS messages. Currently only Twilio is supported
  115. // Comment this out if you're not going to use it
  116. "TwilioSms": {
  117. "credentials": {
  118. "accountSID": "your_twilio_account_SID",
  119. "authToken": "your_twilio_auth_token",
  120. // text messages sent by Bubble will come "from" this phone number, must be in Twilio-compatible format
  121. "fromPhoneNumber": "your_twilio_from_number"
  122. }
  123. },
  124. ///////////////////////
  125. // GeoLocation
  126. ///////////////////////
  127. // Required for locale and "nearest compute region" auto-detection. Currently only MaxMind is supported
  128. // Comment this out if you're not going to use it
  129. "MaxMind": {
  130. "config": {
  131. // these values work for the free GeoLite database, but you still have to specify an apiKey
  132. "url": "[[apiKey]]&suffix=tar.gz",
  133. "file": "GeoLite2-City_20[\\\\d]{6}/GeoLite2-City\\\\.mmdb"
  134. },
  135. "credentials": {"apiKey": "your_maxmind_api_key"}
  136. },
  137. ///////////////////////
  138. // GeoCode
  139. ///////////////////////
  140. // Required for "nearest compute region" auto-detection. Currently only Google GeoCoder is supported
  141. // Comment this out if you're not going to use it
  142. "GoogleGeoCoder": {
  143. "credentials": {"apiKey": "your_google_api_key"}
  144. },
  145. ///////////////////////
  146. // GeoTime
  147. ///////////////////////
  148. // Required for timezone auto-detection. Currently only Google GeoTime is supported
  149. // Comment this out if you're not going to use it
  150. "GoogleGeoTime": {
  151. "credentials": {"apiKey": "your_google_api_key"}
  152. }
  153. },
  154. ///////////////////////
  155. // Initial Domain
  156. ///////////////////////
  157. // initial domain that new Bubbles will be launched within
  158. "domain": {
  159. "publicDns": "Route53Dns or GoDaddyDns", // name of a DNS provider configured above
  160. "name": "" // a domain name that you own, that is managed by the DNS provider named in `publicDns`
  161. },
  162. ///////////////////////
  163. // Expert Settings
  164. ///////////////////////
  165. // You can safely chop off everything from here down from your copy.
  166. // The settings below rarely be changed, omitting them is the same as not changing them
  167. // and you really shouldn't change them unless you know what you're doing.
  168. // -----------
  169. // skipTests
  170. // -----------
  171. //
  172. // Most of the cloud services you add above have "self-test" features in their Bubble driver.
  173. // Normally, Bubble will test each cloud driver to ensure that it is working properly before
  174. // allowing activation to proceed.
  175. //
  176. // The driver test can detect a lot of configuration problems, invalid API keys, and so on.
  177. // It's a good idea to leave the tests enabled.
  178. //
  179. // If, however, this is not the first time you've run with the exact same JSON file and you KNOW that
  180. // all the clouds/credentials/configs are correct, because they've passed tests before, then setting
  181. // this to true does save a little bit of time during activation.
  182. //
  184. //
  185. // If the activation.json file has no `skipTests` property, then tests will be enabled
  186. //
  187. "skipTests": false, // set this to true to skip cloud driver tests
  188. // -----------
  189. // skipPacker
  190. // -----------
  191. //
  192. // Bubble needs to ensure that packer images are available on any cloud compute service where you could
  193. // launch a new Bubble. The easiest way to ensure this happens is to check for packer images immediately after
  194. // activation. This is the default behavior.
  195. //
  196. // It's a good idea to do this, because if the images don't exist, then Bubble won't check again until you're
  197. // about to launch your Bubble -- and then you take the 20-minute delay of building the image.
  198. //
  199. // If, however, you KNOW that the images exist, or you explicitly want to create them later using the
  200. // `pack_bubble` command, you can skip the packer check during activation by setting this to true
  201. //
  203. //
  204. // If the activation.json file has no `skipPacker` property, then packer images will be created during activation,
  205. // if not already present.
  206. //
  207. "skipPacker": false
  208. }