The main Bubble source repository. Contains the Bubble API server, the web UI, documentation and utilities.
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Bubble Remote Launcher Mode

You must already have a Bubble running in Local Launcher Mode to proceed.

Start Bubble

If your Bubble is not already running on your local system, start it by running ./bin/

Log In

When your local Bubble finishes launching, it should open a web page. If you a page with the title “Activation”, then your Bubble still needs to be activated. Read about activation in the Local Launcher Mode instructions.

If you see a login screen, you should be able to log in as the admin user using the email address root@local.local and the password from your activation.json file.

Fork a Remote Launcher

After you log in, you should see a “Launch Bubble” screen.

In the “Bubble Type” drop-down box, choose “Fork”.

In the “Fork Host” field, enter the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) that the Bubble will be known as.

In the “Plan” field, it is recommended to choose the highest-level plan. The Remote Launcher requires a decent amount of memory and CPU.

In the “Domain” field, choose the domain that corresponds to the FQDN you entered in the “Fork Host” field.

Configure the remaining fields as you desire. When you’re ready, click the “Launch Your Bubble!” button.

The screen will refresh and show a progress meter. When your Bubble finishes launching, it will show a “Connect to Bubble” button. Click this and you’ll be connected to your Remote Launcher.

You are now ready to Launch a Bubble