# # Copyright (c) 2020 Bubble, Inc. All rights reserved. For personal (non-commercial) use, see license: https://getbubblenow.com/bubble-license/ # import re import requests import urllib import traceback from mitmproxy.net.http import Headers from bubble_config import bubble_port, bubble_host_alias from bubble_api import CTX_BUBBLE_MATCHERS, CTX_BUBBLE_ABORT, BUBBLE_URI_PREFIX, \ CTX_BUBBLE_REQUEST_ID, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH_SENT, bubble_log, get_flow_ctx, add_flow_ctx BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type' HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length' HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING = 'Content-Encoding' HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING = 'Transfer-Encoding' BINARY_DATA_HEADER = {HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: 'application/octet-stream'} def filter_chunk(chunk, req_id, last, content_encoding=None, content_type=None, content_length=None): url = '' + bubble_port + '/api/filter/apply/' + req_id params_added = False if chunk and content_type: params_added = True url = (url + '?type=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(content_type)) if content_encoding: url = url + '&encoding=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(content_encoding) if content_length: url = url + '&length=' + str(content_length) if last: if params_added: url = url + '&last=true' else: url = url + '?last=true' bubble_log('filter_chunk: url='+url) response = requests.post(url, data=chunk, headers=BINARY_DATA_HEADER) if not response.ok: err_message = 'filter_chunk: Error fetching ' + url + ', HTTP status ' + str(response.status_code) bubble_log(err_message) return b'' return response.content def bubble_filter_chunks(flow, chunks, req_id, content_encoding, content_type): """ chunks is a generator that can be used to iterate over all chunks. """ first = True content_length = get_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH) try: for chunk in chunks: if content_length: bytes_sent = get_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH_SENT) chunk_len = len(chunk) last = chunk_len + bytes_sent >= content_length bubble_log('bubble_filter_chunks: content_length = '+str(content_length)+', bytes_sent = '+str(bytes_sent)) add_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH_SENT, bytes_sent + chunk_len) else: last = False if first: yield filter_chunk(chunk, req_id, last, content_encoding, content_type, content_length) first = False else: yield filter_chunk(chunk, req_id, last) if not content_length: yield filter_chunk(None, req_id, True) # get the last bits of data except Exception as e: bubble_log('bubble_filter_chunks: exception='+repr(e)) traceback.print_exc() yield None def bubble_modify(flow, req_id, content_encoding, content_type): return lambda chunks: bubble_filter_chunks(flow, chunks, req_id, content_encoding, content_type) def send_bubble_response(response): for chunk in response.iter_content(8192): yield chunk def responseheaders(flow): if flow.request.path and flow.request.path.startswith(BUBBLE_URI_PREFIX): uri = '' + bubble_port + '/' + flow.request.path[len(BUBBLE_URI_PREFIX):] bubble_log('responseheaders: sending special bubble request to '+uri) headers = { 'Accept' : 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = None if flow.request.method == 'GET': response = requests.get(uri, headers=headers, stream=True) elif flow.request.method == 'POST': bubble_log('responseheaders: special bubble request: POST content is '+str(flow.request.content)) headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(flow.request.content)) response = requests.post(uri, data=flow.request.content, headers=headers) else: bubble_log('responseheaders: special bubble request: method '+flow.request.method+' not supported') if response is not None: bubble_log('responseheaders: special bubble request: response status = '+str(response.status_code)) flow.response.headers = Headers() for key, value in response.headers.items(): flow.response.headers[key] = value flow.response.status_code = response.status_code flow.response.stream = lambda chunks: send_bubble_response(response) else: abort_code = get_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_BUBBLE_ABORT) if abort_code is not None: bubble_log('responseheaders: aborting request with HTTP status '+str(abort_code)) flow.response.headers = Headers() flow.response.status_code = abort_code flow.response.stream = lambda chunks: [] else: req_id = get_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_BUBBLE_REQUEST_ID) matchers = get_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_BUBBLE_MATCHERS) if req_id is not None and matchers is not None: bubble_log('responseheaders: req_id='+req_id+' with matchers: '+repr(matchers)) if HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE in flow.response.headers: content_type = flow.response.headers[HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE] if matchers: any_content_type_matches = False for m in matchers: if 'contentTypeRegex' in m: typeRegex = m['contentTypeRegex'] if typeRegex is None: typeRegex = '^text/html.*' if re.match(typeRegex, content_type): any_content_type_matches = True bubble_log('responseheaders: req_id='+req_id+' found at least one matcher for content_type ('+content_type+'), filtering') break if not any_content_type_matches: bubble_log('responseheaders: req_id='+req_id+' no matchers for content_type ('+content_type+'), passing thru') return if HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING in flow.response.headers: content_encoding = flow.response.headers[HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING] else: content_encoding = None content_length_value = flow.response.headers.pop(HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, None) bubble_log('responseheaders: req_id='+req_id+' content_encoding='+repr(content_encoding) + ', content_type='+repr(content_type)) flow.response.stream = bubble_modify(flow, req_id, content_encoding, content_type) if content_length_value: flow.response.headers['transfer-encoding'] = 'chunked' # find server_conn to set fake_chunks on if flow.live and flow.live.ctx: ctx = flow.live.ctx while not hasattr(ctx, 'server_conn'): if hasattr(ctx, 'ctx'): ctx = ctx.ctx else: bubble_log('responseheaders: error finding server_conn. last ctx has no further ctx. type='+str(type(ctx))+' vars='+str(vars(ctx))) return if not hasattr(ctx, 'server_conn'): bubble_log('responseheaders: error finding server_conn. ctx type='+str(type(ctx))+' vars='+str(vars(ctx))) return content_length = int(content_length_value) ctx.server_conn.rfile.fake_chunks = content_length add_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH, content_length) add_flow_ctx(flow, CTX_CONTENT_LENGTH_SENT, 0) else: bubble_log('responseheaders: no matchers, passing thru') pass else: bubble_log('responseheaders: no '+HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE +' header, passing thru') pass else: bubble_log('responseheaders: no '+CTX_BUBBLE_MATCHERS +' in ctx, passing thru') pass