#!/bin/bash # # Initial activation of a bubble server # # Usage: activate [domain] [dns] [storage] # # domain : a domain name. Must be listed in bubble-server/src/test/resources/models/system/bubbleDomain.json # default value is bubblev.org # dns : name of a CloudService of type 'dns'. Must be listed in bubble-server/src/test/resources/models/system/cloudService.json # default is GoDaddyDns # storage : name of a CloudService of type 'storage'. Must be listed in cloudService.json # default is S3_US_Standard # # Environment variables # # BUBBLE_API : which API to use. Default is local (, where PORT is found in .bubble.env) # BUBBLE_USER : account to use. Default is root # BUBBLE_PASS : password for account. Default is root # SCRIPT="${0}" SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname ${SCRIPT}) && pwd) . ${SCRIPT_DIR}/bubble_common if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_JAR}" ]] ; then die "BUBBLE_JAR env var not set and no jar file found" fi MODELS_DIR="${SCRIPT_DIR}/../bubble-server/src/test/resources/models/system" if [[ ! -d ${MODELS_DIR} ]] ; then die "Models directory not found: ${MODELS_DIR}" fi ENV_FILE="${HOME}/.bubble.env" if [[ ! -f ${ENV_FILE} ]] ; then die "env file not found: ${ENV_FILE}" fi # Source env vars . ${ENV_FILE} DOMAIN=${1:-bubblev.org} DOMAINS_FILE="${MODELS_DIR}/bubbleDomain.json" DOMAIN_JSON=$(cat ${DOMAINS_FILE} | sed -e 's,// .*,,g' | grep -v "_subst" | java -cp ${BUBBLE_JAR} bubble.main.BubbleMain handlebars | jq ".[] | select(.name==\"${DOMAIN}\")") if [[ -z "${DOMAIN_JSON}" ]] ; then die "Domain ${DOMAIN} not found in ${DOMAINS_FILE}" fi DNS_CLOUD=${2:-GoDaddyDns} CLOUDS_FILE="${MODELS_DIR}/cloudService.json" DNS_JSON=$(cat ${CLOUDS_FILE} | sed -e 's,// .*,,g' | grep -v "_subst" | java -cp ${BUBBLE_JAR} bubble.main.BubbleMain handlebars | jq ".[] | select(.name==\"${DNS_CLOUD}\")") if [[ -z "${DNS_JSON}" ]] ; then die "DNS CloudService ${DNS_CLOUD} not found in ${CLOUDS_FILE}" fi CLOUD_TYPE="$(echo ${DNS_JSON} | jq -r .type)" if [[ -z "${CLOUD_TYPE}" ]] ; then die "DNS service ${DNS_CLOUD} has no type" fi if [[ "${CLOUD_TYPE}" != 'dns' ]] ; then die "DNS service ${DNS_CLOUD} has wrong type (${CLOUD_TYPE}), expected: dns" fi STORAGE_CLOUD=${2:-S3_US_Standard} STORAGE_JSON=$(cat ${CLOUDS_FILE} | sed -e 's,// .*,,g' | grep -v "_subst" | java -cp ${BUBBLE_JAR} bubble.main.BubbleMain handlebars | jq ".[] | select(.name==\"${STORAGE_CLOUD}\")") if [[ -z "${STORAGE_JSON}" ]] ; then die "Storage CloudService ${STORAGE_CLOUD} not found in ${CLOUDS_FILE}" fi CLOUD_TYPE="$(echo ${STORAGE_JSON} | jq -r .type)" if [[ -z "${CLOUD_TYPE}" ]] ; then die "Storage service ${DNS_CLOUD} has no type" fi if [[ "${CLOUD_TYPE}" != 'storage' ]] ; then die "Storage service ${DNS_CLOUD} has wrong type (${CLOUD_TYPE}), expected: storage" fi exec ${SCRIPT_DIR}/bput auth/activate - --no-login <