#!/bin/bash # # Reset the local "bubble" database # # Usage: reset_bubble_db [debug] # # debug : set this to 'debug' to enable debugging # SCRIPT="${0}" SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd $(dirname ${SCRIPT}) && pwd) . ${SCRIPT_DIR}/bubble_common DEBUG=${1} if [[ ! -z "${DEBUG}" && "${DEBUG}" == "debug" ]] ; then DEBUG=1 else DEBUG=0 fi BUBBLE_SERVER="$(cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/../bubble-server && pwd)" if [[ ! -d "${BUBBLE_SERVER}" ]] ; then die "bubble-server dir not found: ${BUBBLE_SERVER}" fi BUBBLE_TARGET=${BUBBLE_SERVER}/target META_DIR="${BUBBLE_TARGET}/classes/META-INF/bubble/" mkdir -p ${META_DIR} || die "Error creating META-INF dir: ${META_DIR}" SQL_DIR="${BUBBLE_SERVER}/target/classes/META-INF/" if [[ ! -d "${SQL_DIR}" ]] ; then die "config dir not found: ${SQL_DIR}" fi SQL_DIR="$(cd ${SQL_DIR} && pwd)" if [[ ${DEBUG} -eq 1 ]] ; then cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/.. && \ mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE" \ -Dtest=bubble.test.DbInit -Ddb.dump=${SQL_DIR}/bubble.sql test \ || exit 1 else cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/.. && \ mvn -Dtest=bubble.test.DbInit -Ddb.dump=${SQL_DIR}/bubble.sql test || exit 1 fi dropdb bubble ; createdb bubble && cat ${SQL_DIR}/bubble.sql | psql bubble echo "Successfully initialized DB schema from:" echo ${SQL_DIR}/bubble.sql