#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2020 Bubble, Inc. All rights reserved. For personal (non-commercial) use, see license: https://getbubblenow.com/bubble-license/ # # Connect an Ubuntu 20.04 system to a Bubble # You must run this as a user who has "sudo" privileges # # Usage: # # ubuntu_connect_bubble [hostname] # # hostname : bubble to connect this Ubuntu system to # If not specified, an env var will be used (see below) # If neither BUBBLE_HOST (hostname) or BUBBLE_API (URL) are specified, # then you'll be asked to enter the Bubble hostname # # Environment Variables # # BUBBLE_HOST : hostname of the Bubble to use. The API base URI will be https:///api # BUBBLE_API : full base URL of the Bubble API to use. Typically this ends with /api # BUBBLE_USER : account to use # BUBBLE_PASS : password for account # BUBBLE_CERT_WIZ : Set this to 'true' to run the Ubuntu certificate wizard, even if it looks # like the certificate is already installed # # This command will: # * Disconnect from any current Bubble # * Check if the device already exists for the Bubble. If not, creates the device # * Check if we have a local copy of the certificate and vpn.conf files. If not, download them # * Ensure routing configuration is correct # * Install the certificate (this step requires your interaction) # * Install the VPN config # * Start the VPN # function die() { echo 1>&2 "$0: fatal error: ${1}" exit 1 } # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/34407620 function uriencode { jq -nr --arg v "$1" '$v|@uri'; } SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${0}")" && pwd)" INSTALL_PACKAGES="" if [[ -z "$(which wg)" ]] ; then echo "Adding WireGuard to install list ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} wireguard" fi if [[ -z "$(which bget)" ]] ; then export PATH=${PATH}:${SCRIPT_DIR} if [[ -z "$(which bget)" ]] ; then die "bget command not found, even after adding ${SCRIPT_DIR} to PATH" fi fi if [[ -z "$(which java)" ]] ; then echo "Adding Java 11 to install list ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} openjdk-11-jre" else JAVA_VERSION="$(java -version 2>&1 | grep "openjdk version" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')" if [[ -z "${JAVA_VERSION}" ]] ; then echo "Adding Java 11 to install list (unknown java version found) ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} openjdk-11-jre" elif [[ ${JAVA_VERSION} -lt 11 ]] ; then echo "Adding Java 11 to install list (unexpected java version: ${JAVA_VERSION}) ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} openjdk-11-jre" fi fi if [[ -z "$(which jq)" ]] ; then echo "Adding jq to install list ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} jq" fi if [[ -z "$(which route)" ]] ; then echo "Adding net-tools to install list ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} net-tools" fi if [[ -z "$(which resolvconf)" ]] ; then echo "Adding resolvconf to install list ..." INSTALL_PACKAGES="${INSTALL_PACKAGES} resolvconf" fi if [[ ! -z "${INSTALL_PACKAGES}" ]] ; then echo " The following apt packages will be installed: ${INSTALL_PACKAGES} Press Enter to continue with installation, or Control-C to exit" read -r DUMMY || die "Bubble connection canceled" # Do not quote INSTALL_PACKAGES, we want to install all packages... sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ${INSTALL_PACKAGES} || die "Error installing packages: ${INSTALL_PACKAGES}" fi ARG_HOST="${1}" if [[ -z "${ARG_HOST}" ]] ; then if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_API}" ]] ; then if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_HOST}" ]] ; then echo -n "No hostname argument provided and neither BUBBLE_API nor BUBBLE_HOST env vars were defined. Enter Bubble hostname: " read -r ARG_HOST echo if [[ -z "${ARG_HOST}" ]] ; then die "Empty Bubble hostname" fi BUBBLE_API="https://${ARG_HOST}/api" else BUBBLE_API="https://${BUBBLE_HOST}/api" fi fi else BUBBLE_API="https://${ARG_HOST}/api" fi if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_USER}" ]] ; then echo -n "BUBBLE_USER env var not defined. Enter Bubble username: " read -r BUBBLE_USER echo fi if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_PASS}" ]] ; then echo -n "BUBBLE_PASS env var not defined. Enter Bubble password: " read -rs BUBBLE_PASS echo fi BUBBLE_HOST="$(echo -n "${BUBBLE_API}" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}')" if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_HOST}" ]] ; then die "No hostname could be determined from BUBBLE_API: ${BUBBLE_API}" fi echo "Logging in to Bubble ${BUBBLE_API} ..." export BUBBLE_API export BUBBLE_USER export BUBBLE_PASS export BUBBLE_SKIP_PATH_WARNING=true bget me | jq .email > /dev/null || die "Error logging into Bubble with API: ${BUBBLE_API}" # Ensure WireGuard is not running if [[ ! -z "$(sudo wg show)" ]] ; then echo "Stopping WireGuard VPN ..." sudo wg-quick down wg0 fi BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE="${HOME}/bubble_devices" BUBBLE_DIR="${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE}/${BUBBLE_HOST}" mkdir -p "${BUBBLE_DIR}" || die "Error creating directory: ${BUBBLE_DIR}" CERT_FILE="${BUBBLE_DIR}"/bubble-${BUBBLE_HOST}.crt VPN_FILE="${BUBBLE_DIR}"/vpn.conf DEVICE_NAME_FILE=${BUBBLE_DIR}/bubble_device_name if [[ ! -f "${DEVICE_NAME_FILE}" ]] ; then DISTRO="$(cat /etc/os-release | grep ^NAME= | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"')" echo -n "Linux_${DISTRO}_$(hostname -s)" >"${DEVICE_NAME_FILE}" echo "Initialized device: ${DEVICE_NAME_FILE}" fi DEVICE_NAME="$(cat "${DEVICE_NAME_FILE}")" # Check API to see if device is already registered if [[ $(bgetn me/devices | grep -c "${DEVICE_NAME}") -eq 0 ]] ; then echo "Device not found, registering now: ${DEVICE_NAME}" echo "{ \"name\": \"${DEVICE_NAME}\", \"deviceType\": \"Linux\" }" | bput me/devices - > "${BUBBLE_DIR}/device.json" || die "Error creating device" rm -f "${VPN_FILE}" "${CERT_FILE}" || die "Error removing obsolete vpn.conf and cert files" else echo "Device already registered: ${DEVICE_NAME}" if [[ ! -f "${BUBBLE_DIR}/device.json" ]] ; then echo "Downloading device.json file ..." bget "me/devices/$(uriencode "${DEVICE_NAME}")" > "${BUBBLE_DIR}/device.json" || die "Error downloading device JSON file" fi fi # Do we have both a cert file and a vpn.conf? If so, we are done if [[ ! -s "${CERT_FILE}" ]] ; then # Download cert file echo "Downloading certificate ..." bget auth/cacert?deviceType=Linux --raw >"${CERT_FILE}" || die "Error downloading certificate file" fi if [[ ! -s "${VPN_FILE}" ]] ; then # Download vpn.conf file echo "Downloading vpn.conf ..." bget "me/devices/${DEVICE_NAME}/vpn/vpn.conf" --raw >"${VPN_FILE}" || die "Error downloading vpn.conf file" fi CURRENT_DEVICE_DIR="${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE}/current" CREATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK=0 if [[ -e "${CURRENT_DEVICE_DIR}" ]] ; then if [[ "$(basename "$(readlink -f "${CURRENT_DEVICE_DIR}")")" != "${BUBBLE_HOST}" ]] ; then CREATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK=1 fi else CREATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK=1 fi if [[ ${CREATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK} -eq 1 ]] ; then echo "Marking ${BUBBLE_HOST} as current Bubble (cd ${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE} && ln -sf ${BUBBLE_HOST} current)..." cd "${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE}" && ln -sf "${BUBBLE_HOST}" current || die "Error creating symlink ${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE}/current -> ${BUBBLE_DEVICE_BASE}/${BUBBLE_HOST}" fi CURRENT_DEVICE_JSON="$(cat "${CURRENT_DEVICE_DIR}/device.json")" if [[ -z "${CURRENT_DEVICE_JSON}" ]] ; then die "File was empty: ${CURRENT_DEVICE_JSON}" fi DEVICE_UUID="$(echo "${CURRENT_DEVICE_JSON}" | jq -r .uuid)" if [[ -z "${DEVICE_UUID}" ]] ; then die "No device UUID could be read from JSON: ${CURRENT_DEVICE_JSON}" fi CERTS_DIR=/usr/share/ca-certificates/extra if [[ ! -d "${CERTS_DIR}" ]] ; then echo "Creating ${CERTS_DIR}" sudo mkdir -p ${CERTS_DIR} fi CERT_DEST="${CERTS_DIR}/$(basename "${CERT_FILE}")" RUN_CERT_WIZ=0 if cmp "${CERT_FILE}" "${CERT_DEST}" ; then if [[ -z "${BUBBLE_CERT_WIZ}" ]] ; then echo "Certificate already installed: ${CERT_DEST}" elif [[ "${BUBBLE_CERT_WIZ}" == "true" ]] ; then RUN_CERT_WIZ=1 else die "Invalid value for BUBBLE_CERT_WIZ env var: ${BUBBLE_CERT_WIZ} (expected 'true' or nothing)" fi else RUN_CERT_WIZ=1 echo "Copying certificate to ${CERT_DEST} ..." sudo cp "${CERT_FILE}" "${CERT_DEST}" || die "Error copying certificate: ${CERT_FILE} -> ${CERT_DEST}" fi if [[ ${RUN_CERT_WIZ} -eq 1 ]] ; then echo " ### Finishing Certificate Installation for Ubuntu We're going to run the Ubuntu certificate wizard via: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates When the wizard opens: - Press Enter with 'Yes' selected for 'Trust new certificates from certificate authorities?' - Press the space bar to check the box for your Bubble certificate - Press Enter to commit the changes To continue and run the Ubuntu certificate wizard, press Enter now " read -r DUMMY sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates || die "Error reconfiguring system CA certificates" fi # Ensure ssh route table exists if [[ $(sudo cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables | grep -c ssh) -eq 0 ]] ; then sudo bash -c 'echo "2 ssh" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables' else echo "ssh table already exists in rt_tables" fi REBOOT_FILE=/tmp/reboot-required.bubble # Set sysctl vars SYSCTL="/etc/sysctl.conf" SYS_RP_FILTER="net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter" if [[ $(sudo cat ${SYSCTL} | grep -v '^#' | grep -c "${SYS_RP_FILTER}") -eq 0 ]] ; then sudo bash -c 'echo "'"${SYS_RP_FILTER}"' = 2" >> '"${SYSCTL}"'' || die "Error setting ${SYS_RP_FILTER} = 2 in ${SYSCTL}" touch ${REBOOT_FILE} else echo "${SYS_RP_FILTER} already defined in ${SYSCTL}" fi SYS_IP_FORWARD="net.ipv4.ip_forward" if [[ $(cat ${SYSCTL} | grep -v '^#' | grep -c "${SYS_IP_FORWARD}") -eq 0 ]] ; then sudo bash -c 'echo "'"${SYS_IP_FORWARD}"' = 1" >> '"${SYSCTL}"'' || die "Error setting ${SYS_IP_FORWARD} = 1 in ${SYSCTL}" touch ${REBOOT_FILE} else echo "${SYS_IP_FORWARD} already defined in ${SYSCTL}" fi if [[ -f ${REBOOT_FILE} ]] ; then echo " sysctl settings changed, reboot required. Press Enter to reboot, or Control-C to exit and reboot later" read -r DUMMY || die "Please reboot later to ensure sysctl changes take effect" sudo bash -c 'sync && shutdown -r now' && exit 1 || die "Error rebooting" fi WG_CONF=/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf echo "Copying vpn.conf to ${WG_CONF} ..." sudo cp "${VPN_FILE}" ${WG_CONF} || die "Error copying vpn.conf: ${VPN_FILE} -> ${WG_CONF}" if [[ $(sudo cat "${WG_CONF}" | grep -c PostUp) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "${WG_CONF} already contains PostUp directives" else GATEWAY=$(route -n | grep "^" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ -z "${GATEWAY}" ]] ; then die "Error determining gateway IP using 'route -n'" fi IFACE=$(route -n | grep "^" | awk '{print $8}') if [[ -z "${IFACE}" ]] ; then die "Error determining gateway interface using 'route -n'" fi WG_TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/wg.conf.XXXXXXX) sudo cat ${WG_CONF} | grep -A 3 '\[Interface\]' >> "${WG_TEMP}" echo "PostUp = ip route add default via ${GATEWAY} dev ${IFACE} table ssh PostUp = ip rule add fwmark 0x2 table ssh PostUp = /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -o wg0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j MARK --set-mark 2 PreDown = /sbin/iptables -D OUTPUT -t mangle -o wg0 -p tcp --sport 22 -j MARK --set-mark 2 PreDown = ip rule del fwmark 0x2 table ssh PreDown = ip route del default via ${GATEWAY} dev ${IFACE} table ssh " >> "${WG_TEMP}" sudo cat ${WG_CONF} | grep -A 10 '\[Peer\]' >> "${WG_TEMP}" sudo mv "${WG_TEMP}" ${WG_CONF} || die "Error installing updated ${WG_CONF} file" fi echo "Starting WireGuard VPN ..." sudo wg-quick up wg0 || die "Error starting WireGuard" echo " =============================================================== ======= Ubuntu device successfully connected to Bubble! ======= =============================================================== Device UUID : ${DEVICE_UUID} Device Name : ${DEVICE_NAME} Bubble Host : ${BUBBLE_HOST} Device Dir : ${BUBBLE_DIR} Certificate : ${CERT_DEST} VPN Config : ${WG_CONF} Public IP : $(curl -s http://checkip.amazonaws.com/) " if [[ ! -z "$(which firefox)" ]] ; then echo " =========================================================== ===================== Firefox Warning ===================== =========================================================== Firefox does not use the Ubuntu certificate store. It has its own certificate store. Firefox will not properly connect to most websites until you install the Bubble certificate in Firefox. To install the Bubble Certificate in Firefox: * Open Firefox * In the search box (top right of page), enter \"certificate\" * Scroll down, click \"View Certificates\" button * Click \"Import\" button * Select your certificate file: ${CERT_FILE} * Check the box \"Trust this CA to identify websites\" and click OK. More detailed instructions (with screenshots) can be found here: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/bubble-docs/src/branch/master/cert_instructions/firefox_cert.md " fi