#23 Fix NPE in process node

jonathan a fusionné 1 révision(s) à partir de kris/node_fixes vers master il y a 4 ans
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+ 17
- 18
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/compute/NodeReaper.java Voir le fichier

@@ -7,18 +7,15 @@ package bubble.cloud.compute;
import bubble.dao.cloud.BubbleDomainDAO;
import bubble.dao.cloud.BubbleNodeDAO;
import bubble.dao.cloud.CloudServiceDAO;
import bubble.model.cloud.BubbleDomain;
import bubble.model.cloud.BubbleNode;
import bubble.model.cloud.CloudService;
import bubble.server.BubbleConfiguration;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.SimpleDaemon;
import org.cobbzilla.util.network.NetworkUtil;
import org.cobbzilla.util.string.StringUtil;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import java.util.Set;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.system.Sleep.sleep;

@@ -51,33 +48,35 @@ public class NodeReaper extends SimpleDaemon {

private void processNode(BubbleNode node) {
final BubbleNode found = nodeDAO.findByIp4(node.getIp4());
if (found == null) {
if (wouldKillSelf(node)) return;
log.warn(prefix()+"processNode: no node exists with ip4="+node.getIp4()+", killing it");
final BubbleDomain domain = domainDAO.findByUuid(node.getDomain());
final CloudService dns = cloudDAO.findByUuid(domain.getPublicDns());
private void processNode(@NonNull final BubbleNode node) {
final var found = nodeDAO.findByIp4(node.getIp4());
if (found == null && !wouldKillSelf(node)) {
log.warn(prefix() + "processNode: no node exists with ip4=" + node.getIp4() + ", killing it");
final var domain = domainDAO.findByUuid(node.getDomain());
final var dns = domain != null ? cloudDAO.findByUuid(domain.getPublicDns()) : null;
try {
if (dns != null) dns.getDnsDriver(configuration).deleteNode(node);

} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(prefix()+"processNode: error stopping node "+node.getIp4()+": "+e);
log.error(prefix() + "processNode: error stopping node " + node.getIp4(), e);

private boolean wouldKillSelf(BubbleNode node) {
private boolean wouldKillSelf(@NonNull final BubbleNode node) {
if (node.hasSameIp(configuration.getThisNode())) {
log.debug("processNode: not killing configuration.thisNode: "+node.getIp4()+"/"+node.getIp6());
log.debug(prefix() + "wouldKillSelf: not killing configuration.thisNode: "
+ node.getIp4() + "/" + node.getIp6());
return true;
final Set<String> localIps = NetworkUtil.configuredIps();

final var localIps = NetworkUtil.configuredIps();
if (localIps.contains(node.getIp4()) || localIps.contains(node.getIp6())) {
log.debug("processNode: not killing self, IP matches one of: "+ StringUtil.toString(localIps));
log.debug(prefix() + "wouldKillSelf: not killing self, IP matches one of: "
+ StringUtil.toString(localIps));
return true;

return false;
