#13 WIP: (testing if needed) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially

kris kris/copy_flyway_history içindeki 8 işlemeyi master ile birleştirmek istiyor
kris 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

@jonathan please review

We need to test this before it can be merged. Also, this PR is blocked by related PR within cobbzilla-wizard: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/5

@jonathan please review We need to test this before it can be merged. Also, this PR is blocked by related PR within cobbzilla-wizard: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/5
jonathan 4 yıl önce kris tarafından atandı
kris başlık WIP: (testing and blocked by https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/5 ) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially iken WIP: (blocked by https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/5 ) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially olarak değiştirildi 4 yıl önce
kris 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

NOTE: for this to be properly deployed, automation folder must be deployed - bubble ansible role files must override the existing ones within local storages on nodes. Check changed files within that folder inside this PR.

NOTE: for this to be properly deployed, `automation` folder must be deployed - bubble ansible role files must override the existing ones within local storages on nodes. Check changed files within that folder inside this PR.
kris başlık WIP: (blocked by https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/5 ) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially iken WIP: (testing) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially olarak değiştirildi 4 yıl önce
kris başlık WIP: (testing) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially iken Copy flyway history to new bubble initially olarak değiştirildi 4 yıl önce
jonathan 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

I don’t think this is needed, now that the flyway version numbering scheme has been fixed in cobbzilla-wizard. Please confirm.

I don't think this is needed, now that the flyway version numbering scheme has been fixed in cobbzilla-wizard. Please confirm.
kris başlık Copy flyway history to new bubble initially iken WIP: (testing if needed) Copy flyway history to new bubble initially olarak değiştirildi 4 yıl önce
kris 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

Yes, this one is not needed (soon). Fixed within: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/6

Yes, this one is not needed (soon). Fixed within: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/6
kris 4 yıl önce değişiklik isteğini kapattı
kris kris/copy_flyway_history dalı silindi 4 yıl önce
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