#12 First part of fixing backup-restore test

jonathan ha unito 13 commit da kris/fix_backup_restore_test a master 4 anni fa
kris 4 anni fa ha commentato

@jonathan please review

Note: the test still don’t runs all the way - there will be continuing PR.

@jonathan please review Note: the test still don't runs all the way - there will be continuing PR.
jonathan è stato assegnato da kris 4 anni fa
kris 4 anni fa ha commentato

Blocked by https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-utils/pulls/1

The other related PR is not really blocking this one, but is included in lib update: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/4

It would be good to first review and merge those 2, and then update lib links here in this PR to those two utils’ master branches before merging this one.

Blocked by https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-utils/pulls/1 The other related PR is not really blocking this one, but is included in lib update: https://git.bubblev.org/bubblev/cobbzilla-wizard/pulls/4 It would be good to first review and merge those 2, and then update lib links here in this PR to those two utils' master branches before merging this one.
kris Titolo modificato da WIP: (blocked by my 2 PRs in cobbzilla utils and cobbzilla wizard) First patr of fixing backup-restore test a WIP: (blocked by my 2 PRs in cobbzilla utils and cobbzilla wizard) First part of fixing backup-restore test 4 anni fa
kris Titolo modificato da WIP: (blocked by my 2 PRs in cobbzilla utils and cobbzilla wizard) First part of fixing backup-restore test a WIP: (testing) First part of fixing backup-restore test 4 anni fa
kris Titolo modificato da WIP: (testing) First part of fixing backup-restore test a First part of fixing backup-restore test 4 anni fa
jonathan closed this pull request 4 anni fa
jonathan branch kris/fix_backup_restore_test eliminato 4 anni fa
La pull request è stata unita come 7db7fc435a.
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