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proper handling of fb users without a username

Jonathan Cobb 4 years ago
1 changed files with 18 additions and 16 deletions
  1. +18

+ 18
- 16
bubble-server/src/main/resources/bubble/rule/social/block/site/FB.js.hbs View File

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Element.prototype.appendChild = function() {
const node = arguments[0];
try {
if (node.tagName) {
if ( ({{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile && node.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SECTION')
if ( ({{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile && node.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'ARTICLE')
|| (!{{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile && node.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV' && node.role && node.role === 'article') ) {
const block = {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block({{JS_PREFIX}}_blocked_users, node)
if (block) {
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName) {
const feedItem = {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_feed_item(article);
if (feedItem.parentElement) {
feedItem.innerHTML = '';
// feedItem.parentElement.removeChild(feedItem);
// feedItem.parentElement = null;
} catch (e) {
log('error removing post by author: ' + authorName + ': ' + e);
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article(article, authorName) {
article.className = article.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_bub_blocked';
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName);
} else {
log('found post marked removed but still present (??) by author: ' + authorName);
console.log('found post marked removed but still present (??) by author: ' + authorName);

@@ -147,16 +145,18 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
let authorHref = authorLink.href;
let authorName = authorHref.startsWith(sitePrefix) ? authorHref.substring(sitePrefix.length) : authorHref;
const qPos = authorName.indexOf('?');
if (qPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, qPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
if (authorName.endsWith('/')) authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.length-1);
if (authorName === 'profile.php') {
// log('should_block returning true for '+authorName);
{{JS_PREFIX}}_tally_author_block({{PAGE_PREFIX}}_msg_or_default({{JS_PREFIX}}_messages, 'web_advertOrOtherBlock', 'ad/other'));
if (!firstEval) {{JS_PREFIX}}_untally_allow(authorName);
return true;
if (authorName.startsWith('profile.php?')) {
const andPos = authorName.indexOf('&');
if (andPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, andPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
} else {
if (qPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, qPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
if (authorName.endsWith('/')) authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.length - 1);
if (firstAuthor === null) firstAuthor = authorName;
const authorDisplay = mobile
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
return authorName == null ? true : authorName;

} else if (authorName in blocked_users) {
// log('should_block returning '+authorName);
// log('should_block returning blocked user: '+authorName);
{{JS_PREFIX}}_tally_author_block(authorName == null ? {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_msg_or_default({{JS_PREFIX}}_messages, 'web_advertOrOtherBlock', 'ad/other') : authorName);
if (!firstEval) {{JS_PREFIX}}_untally_allow();
return authorName == null ? true : authorName;
@@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_apply_blocks(blocked_users) {

const articles = mobile
? {{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//article')
: {{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//div[@role="article" and @aria-posinset]');
: Array.from({{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//div[@role="article" and @aria-posinset]'))
.filter(a => a.firstChild && a.firstChild.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV'
&& a.firstChild.className && a.firstChild.className === 'story_body_container');

for (let i=0; i<articles.length; i++) {
const article = articles[i];
