account_deletion_description_full_delete=If you delete your account, it will be completely deleted. Another user could then register a new Account using your old username.
account_deletion_name_block_delete=Delete all data, block future registrations
account_deletion_description_block_delete=If you delete your account, all your account data and information will be deleted, but an empty stub Account with your username will remain. This prevents anyone from reusing your username in the future.
field_label_policy_account_operation_timeout_description=To ensure your Account security, certain operations (like downloading your Account data) require your approval. If no response is received before this timeout, the operation will not be allowed to proceed.
// You must configure the AWS S3 Storage service in order to launch new Bubbles
"S3_US_Standard" : {
"S3Storage" : {
"config": {
// region must be a valid value from the Regions enum: