Sfoglia il codice sorgente

WIP. adding DockerCompute. remove Nullable annotations. fixing launching without geo services

Jonathan Cobb 4 anni fa
21 ha cambiato i file con 470 aggiunte e 159 eliminazioni
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bubble-server/pom.xml Vedi File

@@ -197,6 +197,27 @@



+ 1
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/CloudRegionRelative.java Vedi File

@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class CloudRegionRelative extends CloudRegion {
@Getter @Setter private double distance;

public void setDistance(double latitude, double longitude) {
distance = getLocation().distance(latitude, longitude);
if (getLocation() != null) distance = getLocation().distance(latitude, longitude);


+ 6
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/compute/PackerConfig.java Vedi File

@@ -20,4 +20,10 @@ public class PackerConfig {

@Getter @Setter private JsonNode builder;

@Getter @Setter private JsonNode post;
public boolean hasPost () { return post != null; }

@Getter @Setter private Boolean sudo;
public boolean sudo () { return sudo == null || sudo; }


+ 172
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/compute/docker/DockerComputeDriver.java Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
package bubble.cloud.compute.docker;

import bubble.cloud.CloudRegion;
import bubble.cloud.compute.*;
import bubble.model.cloud.BubbleNode;
import bubble.model.cloud.BubbleNodeState;
import bubble.model.cloud.CloudCredentials;
import com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient;
import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.CreateContainerResponse;
import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.InspectContainerResponse;
import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Container;
import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Image;
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DefaultDockerClientConfig;
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientConfig;
import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientImpl;
import com.github.dockerjava.transport.DockerHttpClient;
import com.github.dockerjava.zerodep.ZerodepDockerHttpClient;
import edu.emory.mathcs.backport.java.util.Arrays;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.MapBuilder;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static bubble.service.packer.PackerJob.PACKER_IMAGE_PREFIX;
import static java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.*;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.json.JsonUtil.json;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.system.Sleep.sleep;

public class DockerComputeDriver extends ComputeServiceDriverBase {

public static final List<CloudRegion> CLOUD_REGIONS = Arrays.asList(new CloudRegion[]{
new CloudRegion().setName("local").setInternalName("local")
public static final List<ComputeNodeSize> CLOUD_SIZES = Arrays.asList(new ComputeNodeSize[]{
new ComputeNodeSize().setName("local").setInternalName("local").setType(ComputeNodeSizeType.local)
public static final List<OsImage> CLOUD_OS_IMAGES = Arrays.asList(new OsImage[]{
new OsImage().setName("ubuntu:20.04").setId("ubuntu:20.04").setRegion("local")

public static final long START_TIMEOUT = SECONDS.toMillis(120);
public static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock";

private static final String LABEL_IMAGE = "bubble_image";
private static final String LABEL_CLOUD = "bubble_cloud";
private static final String LABEL_NODE = "bubble_node";

@Getter private final List<CloudRegion> cloudRegions = CLOUD_REGIONS;
@Getter private final List<ComputeNodeSize> cloudSizes = CLOUD_SIZES;
@Getter private final List<OsImage> cloudOsImages = CLOUD_OS_IMAGES;

@Getter(lazy=true) private final DockerClient dockerClient = initDockerClient();
private DockerClient initDockerClient() {
CloudCredentials creds = getCredentials();
if (creds == null) creds = new CloudCredentials();

final String host = creds.hasParam("host") ? creds.getParam("host") : DEFAULT_HOST;
final boolean tlsVerify = creds.hasParam("tlsVerify") && parseBoolean(creds.getParam("tlsVerify"));
final String certPath = creds.hasParam("certPath") ? creds.getParam("certPath") : null;

final DockerClientConfig dockerConfig = DefaultDockerClientConfig.createDefaultConfigBuilder()

final DockerHttpClient client = new ZerodepDockerHttpClient.Builder()

return DockerClientImpl.getInstance(dockerConfig, client);

@Override public BubbleNode cleanupStart(BubbleNode node) throws Exception { return node; }

@Override public BubbleNode start(BubbleNode node) throws Exception {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();

final PackerImage packerImage = getOrCreatePackerImage(node);

final CreateContainerResponse ccr = dc.createContainerCmd(packerImage.getId())
.withLabels(MapBuilder.build(new String[][] {
{LABEL_CLOUD, cloud.getUuid()},
{LABEL_NODE, node.getUuid()}
final long start = now();
while (listNodes().stream().noneMatch(n -> n.isRunning() && n.getUuid().equals(node.getUuid()))) {
if (now() - start > START_TIMEOUT) {
return die("start("+node.id()+"): timeout");
sleep(SECONDS.toMillis(5), "waiting for docker container to be running");
return node;

private String lookupContainer(BubbleNode node) {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();
final List<Container> containers = dc.listContainersCmd()
.withLabelFilter(MapBuilder.build(LABEL_NODE, node.getUuid()))
if (empty(containers)) return die("lookupContainer: node not found: "+node.getUuid());
if (containers.size() > 1) return die("lookupContainer: multiple containers found for node: "+node.getUuid());
return containers.get(0).getId();

@Override public BubbleNode stop(BubbleNode node) throws Exception {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();
final String containerId = lookupContainer(node);
return node;

@Override public BubbleNode status(BubbleNode node) throws Exception {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();
final String containerId = lookupContainer(node);
final InspectContainerResponse status = dc.inspectContainerCmd(containerId).exec();
log.info("status("+node.id()+"): "+json(status));

final Boolean dead = status.getState().getDead();
if (dead != null && dead) return node.setState(BubbleNodeState.stopped);

final Boolean running = status.getState().getRunning();
if (running != null && running) return node.setState(BubbleNodeState.running);

log.warn("status("+node.id()+"): recognized state: "+json(status.getState()));

return node;

@Override public List<PackerImage> getAllPackerImages() {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();
final List<Image> images = dc.listImagesCmd().withImageNameFilter(PACKER_IMAGE_PREFIX).withLabelFilter(MapBuilder.build(LABEL_IMAGE, PACKER_IMAGE_PREFIX)).exec();
final List<PackerImage> packerImages = new ArrayList<>();
for (Image i : images) {
final PackerImage p = new PackerImage();
p.setName(empty(i.getLabels()) ? i.getId() : i.getLabels().size() == 1 ? i.getLabels().values().iterator().next() : json(i.getLabels()));
return packerImages;

@Override public List<PackerImage> getPackerImagesForRegion(String region) { return getAllPackerImages(); }

@Override public List<BubbleNode> listNodes() throws IOException {
final DockerClient dc = getDockerClient();
final List<BubbleNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
final List<Container> containers = dc.listContainersCmd()
.withLabelFilter(MapBuilder.build(LABEL_CLOUD, cloud.getUuid()))
for (Container c : containers) {
final BubbleNode n = new BubbleNode().setState(BubbleNodeState.running);
return nodes;


+ 6
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/geoLocation/GeoLocation.java Vedi File

@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@ public class GeoLocation {

public double distance(double lat, double lon) {
if (lat < 0 || lon < 0) return -1.0;
double thisLat = big(getLat()).doubleValue();
double thisLon = big(getLon()).doubleValue();
if (thisLat < 0 || thisLon < 0) return -1.0;
return Haversine.distance(

+ 2
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/dao/account/AccountDAO.java Vedi File

@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@ public class AccountDAO extends AbstractCRUDDAO<Account> implements SqlViewSearc
private final String NETWORK_OWNER_ACCOUNT_UUID_PARAM = "__thisNetworkOwnerAccountUuid__";

@Override public int bulkDeleteWhere(@NonNull final String whereClause,
@Nullable final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
final Map<String, Object> parameters) {
final Map<String, Object> enhancedParams = parameters != null ? parameters : new HashMap<>();
enhancedParams.put(NETWORK_OWNER_ACCOUNT_UUID_PARAM, configuration.getThisNetwork().getAccount());

@@ -367,7 +366,7 @@ public class AccountDAO extends AbstractCRUDDAO<Account> implements SqlViewSearc

@Override public void delete(@Nullable final Collection<Account> accounts) {
@Override public void delete(final Collection<Account> accounts) {
if (empty(accounts)) return;
final var networkOwnerUuid = configuration.getThisNetwork().getAccount();
if (accounts.removeIf(a -> a != null && a.getUuid().equals(networkOwnerUuid))) {

+ 1
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/dao/cloud/CloudServiceDAO.java Vedi File

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import org.hibernate.criterion.Order;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ public class CloudServiceDAO extends AccountOwnedTemplateDAO<CloudService> {
return !findPublicTemplatesByType(admin.getUuid(), CloudServiceType.payment).isEmpty();

@Override public int bulkDeleteWhere(@NonNull String whereClause, @Nullable Map<String, Object> parameters) {
@Override public int bulkDeleteWhere(@NonNull String whereClause, Map<String, Object> parameters) {
// TODO for these maybe an outside cron would be better solution. BulkDelete is used here to be fast.
// For now this postServiceDelete is called within a single place where this method is used - Account Deletion.
log.warn("Not calling postServiceDelete for services deleted in this way");

+ 2
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/cloud/RegionalServiceDriver.java Vedi File

@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ public interface RegionalServiceDriver {
final CloudRegionRelative r = new CloudRegionRelative(region);
if (latLonIsValid) {
if (latLonIsValid && latitude >= 0 && longitude >= 0) {
r.setDistance(latitude, longitude);
} else {

+ 1
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/DebugResource.java Vedi File

@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ public class DebugResource {
public Response echoJsonInLog(@Context ContainerRequest ctx,
@Valid @NonNull final JsonNode input,
@QueryParam("respondWith") @Nullable final String respondWith) throws IOException {
@QueryParam("respondWith") final String respondWith) throws IOException {
final var output = "ECHO: \n" + toJsonOrDie(input);

+ 2
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/account/AuthResource.java Vedi File

@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
@@ -238,7 +237,7 @@ public class AuthResource {
@Autowired private SageHelloService sageHelloService;
@Autowired private RestoreService restoreService;

@NonNull private BubbleNode checkRestoreRequest(@Nullable final String restoreKey) {
@NonNull private BubbleNode checkRestoreRequest(final String restoreKey) {
if (restoreKey == null) throw invalidEx("err.restoreKey.required");

// ensure we have been initialized
@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ public class AuthResource {
public Response restore(@NonNull @Context final Request req,
@NonNull @Context final ContainerRequest ctx,
@Nullable @PathParam("restoreKey") final String restoreKey,
@PathParam("restoreKey") final String restoreKey,
@NonNull @Valid final NetworkKeys.EncryptedNetworkKeys encryptedKeys) {

final var sageNode = checkRestoreRequest(restoreKey);

+ 1
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/cloud/LogsResource.java Vedi File

@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import lombok.NonNull;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerRequest;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ public class LogsResource {
responses=@ApiResponse(responseCode=SC_OK, description="empty response indicates success")
@NonNull public Response startLogging(@NonNull @Context final ContainerRequest ctx,
@Nullable @QueryParam("ttlDays") final Byte ttlDays) {
@QueryParam("ttlDays") final Byte ttlDays) {
final Account caller = userPrincipal(ctx);
if (!caller.admin()) throw forbiddenEx();
return setLogFlag(true, Optional.ofNullable(ttlDays));

+ 3
- 4
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/cloud/NetworkBackupKeysResource.java Vedi File

@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.Request;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerRequest;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ public class NetworkBackupKeysResource {
return ok();

@NonNull private String fetchAndCheckEncryptionKey(@Nullable final NameAndValue enc) {
@NonNull private String fetchAndCheckEncryptionKey(final NameAndValue enc) {
final String encryptionKey = enc == null ? null : enc.getValue();
final ConstraintViolationBean error = validatePassword(encryptionKey);
if (error != null) throw new SimpleViolationException(error);
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ public class NetworkBackupKeysResource {
@NonNull public Response retrieveNetworkKeys(@NonNull @Context final Request req,
@NonNull @Context final ContainerRequest ctx,
@NonNull @PathParam("keysCode") final String keysCode,
@Nullable final NameAndValue enc) {
final NameAndValue enc) {
final var encryptionKey = fetchAndCheckEncryptionKey(enc);
final var networkKeys = keysService.retrieveKeys(keysCode);
return ok(networkKeys.encrypt(encryptionKey));
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ public class NetworkBackupKeysResource {
@NonNull public Response backupDownloadStart(@NonNull @Context final ContainerRequest ctx,
@NonNull @PathParam("keysCode") final String keysCode,
@NonNull @QueryParam("backupId") final String backupId,
@Nullable final NameAndValue enc) {
final NameAndValue enc) {
final var passphrase = fetchAndCheckEncryptionKey(enc);

+ 2
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/service/backup/RestoreService.java Vedi File

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import org.cobbzilla.wizard.cache.redis.RedisService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ public class RestoreService {

@Nullable private String checkAndGetKeyJson(@NonNull final String restoreKey) {
private String checkAndGetKeyJson(@NonNull final String restoreKey) {
final String keyJson = getRestoreKeys().get(restoreKey);
if (keyJson == null) {
log.error("restore: restoreKey not found: " + restoreKey);
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ public class RestoreService {
return keyJson;

@Nullable private String checkAndGetRestoreDirPath() {
private String checkAndGetRestoreDirPath() {
final var existingFiles = RESTORE_DIR.list();
final var restoreDirAbs = abs(RESTORE_DIR);

+ 27
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/service/packer/PackerJob.java Vedi File

@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ import bubble.cloud.geoLocation.GeoLocation;
import bubble.dao.account.AccountDAO;
import bubble.model.account.Account;
import bubble.model.cloud.AnsibleInstallType;
import bubble.model.cloud.CloudCredentials;
import bubble.model.cloud.CloudService;
import bubble.server.BubbleConfiguration;
import bubble.server.SoftwareVersions;
import bubble.service.cloud.GeoService;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import lombok.Cleanup;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ public class PackerJob implements Callable<List<PackerImage>> {
public static final String BUILD_REGION_VAR = "buildRegion";
public static final String IMAGE_REGIONS_VAR = "imageRegions";
public static final String BUILDERS_VAR = "builders";
public static final String POST_PROCESSOR_VAR = "postProcessor";
public static final String SUDO_VAR = "sudo";
public static final String PACKER_PLAYBOOK_TEMPLATE = "packer-playbook.yml.hbs";
public static final String PACKER_PLAYBOOK = "packer-playbook.yml";
public static final String PACKER_BINARY = System.getProperty("user.home")+"/packer/packer";
@@ -146,7 +150,8 @@ public class PackerJob implements Callable<List<PackerImage>> {

// create handlebars context
final Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();
ctx.put("credentials", NameAndValue.toMap(cloud.getCredentials().getParams()));
final CloudCredentials creds = cloud.getCredentials();
ctx.put("credentials", creds == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : NameAndValue.toMap(creds.getParams()));
ctx.put("compute", computeDriver);
ctx.put("sizes", computeDriver.getSizesMap());
ctx.put("os", computeDriver.getOs());
@@ -167,6 +172,15 @@ public class PackerJob implements Callable<List<PackerImage>> {
env.put(variable.getName(), HandlebarsUtil.apply(configuration.getHandlebars(), variable.getValue(), ctx, '[', ']'));
if (!env.containsKey("HOME")) env.put("HOME", HOME_DIR);

// Docker builder requires "docker" command to be on our path
// It is usually in /usr/local/bin
// May need to make this more flexible if docker is elsewhere, or other tools/paths are needed
if (env.containsKey("PATH")) {
env.put("PATH", "${PATH}:/usr/local/bin");
} else {
env.put("PATH", "/usr/local/bin");
ctx.put(VARIABLES_VAR, packerConfig.getVars());

// copy ansible and other packer files to temp dir
@@ -254,6 +268,9 @@ public class PackerJob implements Callable<List<PackerImage>> {
builderJsons.add(generateBuilder(packerConfig, ctx));
ctx.put(BUILDERS_VAR, builderJsons);
ctx.put(SUDO_VAR, packerConfig.sudo());

if (packerConfig.hasPost()) ctx.put(POST_PROCESSOR_VAR, generatePostProcessor(packerConfig, ctx));

// write playbook file
final String playbookTemplate = FileUtil.toString(abs(tempDir)+ "/" + PACKER_PLAYBOOK_TEMPLATE);
@@ -333,7 +350,15 @@ public class PackerJob implements Callable<List<PackerImage>> {

public String generateBuilder(PackerConfig packerConfig, Map<String, Object> ctx) {
return HandlebarsUtil.apply(configuration.getHandlebars(), json(packerConfig.getBuilder()), ctx, '<', '>')
return appyHandlebars(ctx, packerConfig.getBuilder());

public String generatePostProcessor(PackerConfig packerConfig, Map<String, Object> ctx) {
return packerConfig.hasPost() ? appyHandlebars(ctx, packerConfig.getPost()) : null;

private String appyHandlebars(Map<String, Object> ctx, JsonNode thing) {
return HandlebarsUtil.apply(configuration.getHandlebars(), json(thing), ctx, '<', '>')
.replace("[[", "{{")
.replace("]]", "}}");

+ 1
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/service/stream/StandardAppPrimerService.java Vedi File

@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import org.cobbzilla.wizard.cache.redis.RedisService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ public class StandardAppPrimerService implements AppPrimerService {
getPrimerThread().submit(() -> _prime(account, singleApp));

private synchronized void _prime(@NonNull final Account account, @Nullable final BubbleApp singleApp) {
private synchronized void _prime(@NonNull final Account account, final BubbleApp singleApp) {
try {
final List<Device> devices = deviceDAO.findByAccount(account.getUuid());
if (devices.isEmpty()) return;

+ 157
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bubble-server/src/main/resources/models/defaults/cloudService.json Vedi File

@@ -151,80 +151,117 @@
"template": true

"name": "DockerCompute",
"type": "compute",
"driverClass": "bubble.cloud.compute.docker.DockerComputeDriver",
"driverConfig": {
"regions": [{"name": "local", "internalName": "local"}],
"sizes": [{"name": "local", "type": "local", "internalName": "local"}],
"os": "ubuntu:20.04",
"packer": {
"vars": [],
"sudo": false,
"builder": {
"type": "docker",
"image": "<<os.name>>",
"export_path": "<<packerImageName>>.tar",
"changes": [
"LABEL bubble_image=<<packerImageName>>",
"EXPOSE 80 443 1202"
"post": {
"type": "docker-import",
"repository": "local/bubble",
"tag": "<<packerImageName>>"
"credentials": {
"params": [
{"name": "host", "value": "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}
"template": false

"name": "VultrCompute",
"type": "compute",
"driverClass": "bubble.cloud.compute.vultr.VultrDriver",
"driverConfig": {
"regions": [{
"name": "Vultr - Dallas",
"internalName": "Dallas",
"location": {"city": "Dallas", "country": "US", "region": "TX", "lat": "32.779167", "lon": "-96.808889"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Los Angeles",
"internalName": "Los Angeles",
"location": {"city": "Los Angeles", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "34.05", "lon": "-118.25"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Miami",
"internalName": "Miami",
"location": {"city": "Miami", "country": "US", "region": "FL", "lat": "25.775278", "lon": "-80.208889"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Seattle",
"internalName": "Seattle",
"location": {"city": "Seattle", "country": "US", "region": "WA", "lat": "47.609722", "lon": "-122.333056"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - New Jersey",
"internalName": "New Jersey",
"location": {"city": "Newark", "country": "US", "region": "NJ", "lat": "40.72", "lon": "-74.17"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Atlanta",
"internalName": "Atlanta",
"location": {"city": "Atlanta", "country": "US", "region": "GA", "lat": "33.755", "lon": "-84.39"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Chicago",
"internalName": "Chicago",
"location": {"city": "Chicago", "country": "US", "region": "IL", "lat": "41.881944", "lon": "-87.627778"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - San Jose",
"internalName": "Silicon Valley",
"location": {"city": "San Jose", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "37.333333", "lon": "-121.9"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Toronto",
"internalName": "Toronto",
"location": {"city": "Toronto", "country": "CA", "region": "ON", "lat": "43.741667", "lon": "-79.373333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - London",
"internalName": "London",
"location": {"city": "London", "country": "GB", "region": "London", "lat": "51.507222", "lon": "-0.1275"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Paris",
"internalName": "Paris",
"location": {"city": "Paris", "country": "FR", "region": "Ile-de-Paris", "lat": "48.8567", "lon": "2.3508"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Frankfurt",
"internalName": "Frankfurt",
"location": {"city": "Frankfurt", "country": "DE", "region": "Hesse", "lat": "50.116667", "lon": "8.683333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Singapore",
"internalName": "Singapore",
"location": {"city": "Singapore", "country": "SG", "region": "Singapore", "lat": "1.283333", "lon": "103.833333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Tokyo",
"internalName": "Tokyo",
"location": {"city": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "region": "Kantō", "lat": "35.689722", "lon": "139.692222"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Seoul",
"internalName": "Seoul",
"location": {"city": "Seoul", "country": "KR", "region": "Sudogwon", "lat": "37.566667", "lon": "126.966667"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Sydney",
"internalName": "Sydney",
"location": {"city": "Sydney", "country": "AU", "region": "NSW", "lat": "-33.865", "lon": "151.209444"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Amsterdam",
"internalName": "ams3",
"location": {"city": "Amsterdam", "country": "NL", "region": "North Holland", "lat": "52.366667", "lon": "4.9"}
"regions": [
"name": "Vultr - Dallas",
"internalName": "Dallas",
"location": {"city": "Dallas", "country": "US", "region": "TX", "lat": "32.779167", "lon": "-96.808889"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Los Angeles",
"internalName": "Los Angeles",
"location": {"city": "Los Angeles", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "34.05", "lon": "-118.25"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Miami",
"internalName": "Miami",
"location": {"city": "Miami", "country": "US", "region": "FL", "lat": "25.775278", "lon": "-80.208889"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Seattle",
"internalName": "Seattle",
"location": {"city": "Seattle", "country": "US", "region": "WA", "lat": "47.609722", "lon": "-122.333056"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - New Jersey",
"internalName": "New Jersey",
"location": {"city": "Newark", "country": "US", "region": "NJ", "lat": "40.72", "lon": "-74.17"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Atlanta",
"internalName": "Atlanta",
"location": {"city": "Atlanta", "country": "US", "region": "GA", "lat": "33.755", "lon": "-84.39"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Chicago",
"internalName": "Chicago",
"location": {"city": "Chicago", "country": "US", "region": "IL", "lat": "41.881944", "lon": "-87.627778"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - San Jose",
"internalName": "Silicon Valley",
"location": {"city": "San Jose", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "37.333333", "lon": "-121.9"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Toronto",
"internalName": "Toronto",
"location": {"city": "Toronto", "country": "CA", "region": "ON", "lat": "43.741667", "lon": "-79.373333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - London",
"internalName": "London",
"location": {"city": "London", "country": "GB", "region": "London", "lat": "51.507222", "lon": "-0.1275"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Paris",
"internalName": "Paris",
"location": {"city": "Paris", "country": "FR", "region": "Ile-de-Paris", "lat": "48.8567", "lon": "2.3508"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Frankfurt",
"internalName": "Frankfurt",
"location": {"city": "Frankfurt", "country": "DE", "region": "Hesse", "lat": "50.116667", "lon": "8.683333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Singapore",
"internalName": "Singapore",
"location": {"city": "Singapore", "country": "SG", "region": "Singapore", "lat": "1.283333", "lon": "103.833333"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Tokyo",
"internalName": "Tokyo",
"location": {"city": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "region": "Kantō", "lat": "35.689722", "lon": "139.692222"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Seoul",
"internalName": "Seoul",
"location": {"city": "Seoul", "country": "KR", "region": "Sudogwon", "lat": "37.566667", "lon": "126.966667"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Sydney",
"internalName": "Sydney",
"location": {"city": "Sydney", "country": "AU", "region": "NSW", "lat": "-33.865", "lon": "151.209444"}
}, {
"name": "Vultr - Amsterdam",
"internalName": "ams3",
"location": {"city": "Amsterdam", "country": "NL", "region": "North Holland", "lat": "52.366667", "lon": "4.9"}
"sizes": [
{"name": "small", "type": "small", "internalName": "1024 MB RAM,25 GB SSD,1.00 TB BW", "vcpu": 1, "memoryMB": 1024, "diskGB": 25},
{"name": "medium", "type": "medium", "internalName": "2048 MB RAM,55 GB SSD,2.00 TB BW", "vcpu": 1, "memoryMB": 2048, "diskGB": 55},
@@ -331,55 +368,57 @@
"type": "compute",
"driverClass": "bubble.cloud.compute.ec2.AmazonEC2Driver",
"driverConfig": {
"regions": [{
"name": "Amazon - N. Virginia", "description": "US East 1 (N. Virginia)", "internalName": "us-east-1",
"location": {"city": "Arlington", "region": "VA", "country": "US", "lat": "38.880278", "lon": "-77.108333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Ohio", "description": "US East 2 (Ohio)", "internalName": "us-east-2",
"location": {"region": "OH", "country": "US", "lat": "40.3416167", "lon": "-84.9180579"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - N. California", "description": "US West 1 (N. California)", "internalName": "us-west-1",
"location": {"city": "San Jose", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "37.333333", "lon": "-121.9"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Oregon", "description": "US West 2 (Oregon)", "internalName": "us-west-2",
"location": {"city": "Hermiston", "region": "OR", "country": "US", "lat": "45.841111", "lon": "-119.291667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Canada", "description": "Canada (Central)", "internalName": "ca-central-1",
"location": {"region": "QC", "country": "CA", "lat": "46.813889", "lon": "-71.208056"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Stockholm", "description": "EU (Stockholm)", "internalName": "eu-north-1",
"location": {"city": "Stockholm", "region": "Södermanland", "country": "SE", "lat": "59.329444", "lon": "18.068611"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Ireland", "description": "EU (Ireland)", "internalName": "eu-west-1",
"location": {"city": "Dublin", "region": "Leinster", "country": "IE", "lat": "53.35", "lon": "-6.266667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - London", "description": "EU (London)", "internalName": "eu-west-2",
"location": {"city": "London", "country": "GB", "region": "London", "lat": "51.507222", "lon": "-0.1275"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Milan", "description": "EU (Milan)", "internalName": "eu-west-3",
"location": {"city": "Milan", "country": "IT", "region": "Lombardy", "lat": "45.466944", "lon": "9.19"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Frankfurt", "description": "EU (Frankfurt)", "internalName": "eu-central-1",
"location": {"city": "Frankfurt", "country": "DE", "region": "Hesse", "lat": "50.116667", "lon": "8.683333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Tokyo", "description": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "internalName": "ap-northeast-1",
"location": {"city": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "region": "Kantō", "lat": "35.689722", "lon": "139.692222"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Seoul", "description": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)", "internalName": "ap-northeast-2",
"location": {"city": "Seoul", "country": "KR", "region": "Sudogwon", "lat": "37.566667", "lon": "126.966667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Singapore", "description": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "internalName": "ap-southeast-1",
"location": {"city": "Singapore", "country": "SG", "region": "Singapore", "lat": "1.283333", "lon": "103.833333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Sydney", "description": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "internalName": "ap-southeast-2",
"location": {"city": "Sydney", "country": "AU", "region": "NSW", "lat": "-33.865", "lon": "151.209444"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Mumbai", "description": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", "internalName": "ap-south-1",
"location": {"city": "Mumbai", "country": "IN", "region": "Konkan", "lat": "18.975", "lon": "72.825833"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - São Paulo", "description": "South America (São Paulo)", "internalName": "sa-east-1",
"location": {"city": "São Paulo", "country": "BR", "region": "São Paulo", "lat": "-23.55", "lon": "-46.633333"}
"regions": [
"name": "Amazon - N. Virginia", "description": "US East 1 (N. Virginia)", "internalName": "us-east-1",
"location": {"city": "Arlington", "region": "VA", "country": "US", "lat": "38.880278", "lon": "-77.108333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Ohio", "description": "US East 2 (Ohio)", "internalName": "us-east-2",
"location": {"region": "OH", "country": "US", "lat": "40.3416167", "lon": "-84.9180579"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - N. California", "description": "US West 1 (N. California)", "internalName": "us-west-1",
"location": {"city": "San Jose", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "lat": "37.333333", "lon": "-121.9"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Oregon", "description": "US West 2 (Oregon)", "internalName": "us-west-2",
"location": {"city": "Hermiston", "region": "OR", "country": "US", "lat": "45.841111", "lon": "-119.291667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Canada", "description": "Canada (Central)", "internalName": "ca-central-1",
"location": {"region": "QC", "country": "CA", "lat": "46.813889", "lon": "-71.208056"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Stockholm", "description": "EU (Stockholm)", "internalName": "eu-north-1",
"location": {"city": "Stockholm", "region": "Södermanland", "country": "SE", "lat": "59.329444", "lon": "18.068611"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Ireland", "description": "EU (Ireland)", "internalName": "eu-west-1",
"location": {"city": "Dublin", "region": "Leinster", "country": "IE", "lat": "53.35", "lon": "-6.266667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - London", "description": "EU (London)", "internalName": "eu-west-2",
"location": {"city": "London", "country": "GB", "region": "London", "lat": "51.507222", "lon": "-0.1275"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Milan", "description": "EU (Milan)", "internalName": "eu-west-3",
"location": {"city": "Milan", "country": "IT", "region": "Lombardy", "lat": "45.466944", "lon": "9.19"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Frankfurt", "description": "EU (Frankfurt)", "internalName": "eu-central-1",
"location": {"city": "Frankfurt", "country": "DE", "region": "Hesse", "lat": "50.116667", "lon": "8.683333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Tokyo", "description": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)", "internalName": "ap-northeast-1",
"location": {"city": "Tokyo", "country": "JP", "region": "Kantō", "lat": "35.689722", "lon": "139.692222"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Seoul", "description": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)", "internalName": "ap-northeast-2",
"location": {"city": "Seoul", "country": "KR", "region": "Sudogwon", "lat": "37.566667", "lon": "126.966667"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Singapore", "description": "Asia Pacific (Singapore)", "internalName": "ap-southeast-1",
"location": {"city": "Singapore", "country": "SG", "region": "Singapore", "lat": "1.283333", "lon": "103.833333"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Sydney", "description": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)", "internalName": "ap-southeast-2",
"location": {"city": "Sydney", "country": "AU", "region": "NSW", "lat": "-33.865", "lon": "151.209444"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - Mumbai", "description": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai)", "internalName": "ap-south-1",
"location": {"city": "Mumbai", "country": "IN", "region": "Konkan", "lat": "18.975", "lon": "72.825833"}
}, {
"name": "Amazon - São Paulo", "description": "South America (São Paulo)", "internalName": "sa-east-1",
"location": {"city": "São Paulo", "country": "BR", "region": "São Paulo", "lat": "-23.55", "lon": "-46.633333"}
"sizes": [
{"name": "small", "type": "small", "internalName": "t2.micro", "vcpu": 1, "memoryMB": 1024, "diskGB": 10, "diskType": "ebs_magnetic"},
{"name": "medium", "type": "medium", "internalName": "t2.small", "vcpu": 1, "memoryMB": 2048, "diskGB": 20, "diskType": "ebs_magnetic"},

+ 5
- 4
bubble-server/src/main/resources/packer/packer.json.hbs Vedi File

@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"sleep 30",
"sudo bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update'",
"sudo bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y upgrade'",
"sudo bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip virtualenv'",
"sudo pip3 install setuptools psycopg2-binary ansible"
"[[#if sudo]]sudo [[/if]]bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update'",
"[[#if sudo]]sudo [[/if]]bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y upgrade'",
"[[#if sudo]]sudo [[/if]]bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip virtualenv'",
"[[#if sudo]]sudo [[/if]]pip3 install setuptools psycopg2-binary ansible"
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"post-processors": [
[[#if postProcessor]][[[postProcessor]]],[[/if]]
"type": "manifest",
"output": "manifest.json"

+ 8
- 7
bubble-server/src/main/resources/packer/roles/common/tasks/main.yml Vedi File

@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@
src: dot-screenrc
dest: /root/.screenrc

- name: Ensure /root/.ssh exists
path: /root/.ssh
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0700
state: directory

- name: Install packer key as only authorized key
src: packer_rsa
@@ -51,13 +59,6 @@
group: root
mode: 0500

- name: Start common services
name: '{{ item }}'
state: restarted
- fail2ban

- name: Create bubble-log group
name: bubble-log

+ 36
- 1
bubble-server/src/test/resources/models/system/cloudService.json Vedi File

@@ -118,6 +118,41 @@
"template": true

"name": "DockerCompute",
"type": "compute",
"driverClass": "bubble.cloud.compute.docker.DockerComputeDriver",
"driverConfig": {
"regions": [{"name": "local", "internalName": "local"}],
"sizes": [{"name": "local", "type": "local", "internalName": "local"}],
"os": "ubuntu:20.04",
"packer": {
"vars": [],
"sudo": false,
"builder": {
"type": "docker",
"image": "<<os.name>>",
"export_path": "<<packerImageName>>.tar",
"changes": [
"LABEL bubble_image=<<packerImageName>>",
"EXPOSE 80 443 1202"
"post": {
"type": "docker-import",
"repository": "local/bubble",
"tag": "<<packerImageName>>"
"credentials": {
"params": [
{"name": "host", "value": "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"}
"template": false

"_subst": true,
"name": "VultrCompute",
@@ -196,7 +231,7 @@
"config": [{"name": "os", "value": "Ubuntu 18.04 x64"}]
"credentials": {
"credentials": {
"params": [
{"name": "API-Key", "value": "{{VULTR_API_KEY}}"}

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 23b2a5c0188618909feea52730e27e1c0685617e
Subproject commit e0248d40efe8394a13da7c5ba0a422827e623611

+ 15
- 0
config/activation.json Vedi File

@@ -70,6 +70,21 @@

// Docker can be used for testing or for advanced use cases
"DockerCompute": {
"config": {},
"credentials": {
// these are the default settings, change as needed
"host": "unix:///var/run/docker.sock",
"tlsVerify": "false", // if tlsVerify is "true" then certPath must be set
"certPath": null,
"registryUrl": null,
"registryUsername": null,
"registryEmail": null,
"registryPassword": null

// Storage
