Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Add fqdn variable support in header replacements

Kristijan Mitrovic pirms 4 gadiem
1 mainītis faili ar 11 papildinājumiem un 4 dzēšanām
  1. +11

+ 11
- 4
bubble-server/src/main/resources/packer/roles/mitmproxy/files/bubble_api.py Parādīt failu

@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def original_flex_ip(client_addr, fqdns):
return None

def _replace_in_headers(headers, pattern: str, replacement: str):
def _replace_in_headers(headers: nheaders.Headers, pattern: str, replacement: str):
Taken from original mitmproxy's Header class implementation with sligh change to allow replacement with empty string
(resulting with actual removal/skip of the header line).
@@ -489,17 +489,19 @@ def _replace_in_headers(headers, pattern: str, replacement: str):

def response_header_modify(flow):
return None if flow.response is None else _header_modify(flow.client_conn.address[0], flow.response.headers)
if flow.response is None:
return None
return _header_modify(flow.client_conn.address[0], flow.server_conn.address[0], flow.response.headers)

def _header_modify(client_addr, headers):
def _header_modify(client_addr: str, server_addr: str, headers: nheaders.Headers):
modifiers_set = 'responseHeaderModifierLists~' + client_addr + '~UNION'
modifiers = REDIS.smembers(modifiers_set)

repl_count = 0
if modifiers:
for modifier in modifiers:
modifier_config = json.loads(modifier)
modifier_config = _extract_modifier_config(modifier, server_addr)
repl_count += _replace_in_headers(headers, modifier_config['regex'], modifier_config['replacement'])

if bubble_log.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
@@ -508,6 +510,11 @@ def _header_modify(client_addr, headers):
return repl_count

def _extract_modifier_config(modifier: str, server_addr: str):
modifier.replace('{{fqdn}}', re.escape(server_addr))
return json.loads(modifier)

def health_check_response(flow):
# if bubble_log.isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
# bubble_log.debug('health_check_response: special bubble health check request, responding with OK')

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