
Init sage node on init self node if needed

Kristijan Mitrovic 4 年之前
共有 1 個檔案被更改,包括 21 行新增22 行删除
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bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/service/boot/StandardSelfNodeService.java 查看文件

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import bubble.service.bill.BillingService;
import bubble.service.bill.StandardRefundService;
import bubble.service.notify.NotificationService;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.cobbzilla.util.cache.Refreshable;
import org.cobbzilla.util.http.HttpSchemes;
@@ -184,11 +185,8 @@ public class StandardSelfNodeService implements SelfNodeService {
synchronized (thisNode) {
final BubbleNode self = thisNode.get();
if (self == null) {
final BubbleNode initSelf = initThisNode();
if (initSelf == null) {
return die("getThisNode: error initializing selfNode, initThisNode returned null (should never happen)");
log.debug("getThisNode: setting thisNode="+initSelf.id());
final var initSelf = initThisNode(); // NonNull
log.debug("getThisNode: setting thisNode=" + initSelf.id());
if (initSelf == NULL_NODE) {
if (!nullWarningPrinted.check()) log.warn("getThisNode: initThisNode returned NULL_NODE");
@@ -246,24 +244,24 @@ public class StandardSelfNodeService implements SelfNodeService {

private BubbleNode initSageNode(BubbleNode selfNode) {
BubbleNode sage = nodeDAO.findByUuid(selfNode.getSageNode());
if (sage == null) {
// do we have a local file we can fall back on?
if (!SAGE_NODE_FILE.exists()) {
log.warn("initSageNode: DB contains no entry for selfNode.sage ("+selfNode.getSageNode()+") and "+abs(SAGE_NODE_FILE)+ " does not exist, returning null");
return NULL_NODE;
sage = syncSage(selfNode, nodeFromFile(SAGE_NODE_FILE));
@NonNull private BubbleNode initSageNode(@NonNull final BubbleNode selfNode) {
var sage = nodeDAO.findByUuid(selfNode.getSageNode());
final var isSageNodeFilePresent = SAGE_NODE_FILE.exists();
if (sage == null && !isSageNodeFilePresent) {
// local file if required here to fall back on
log.warn("initSageNode: DB contains no entry for selfNode.sage (" + selfNode.getSageNode() + ") and "
+ abs(SAGE_NODE_FILE) + " does not exist, returning special null node object");
return NULL_NODE;
sage = syncSage(selfNode, SAGE_NODE_FILE.exists()
? nodeFromFile(SAGE_NODE_FILE)
: sage);

sage = syncSage(selfNode, isSageNodeFilePresent ? nodeFromFile(SAGE_NODE_FILE) : sage);

return sage;

private BubbleNode syncSage(BubbleNode selfNode, BubbleNode sage) {
@NonNull private BubbleNode syncSage(@NonNull final BubbleNode selfNode, @NonNull final BubbleNode sage) {
// if the sage has a local ip4, then selfNode is the sage. should only happen if fork was done incorrectly
if (sage.localIp4()) {
if (selfNode.localIp4()) return die("syncSage: selfNode is local: "+selfNode.id());
@@ -285,7 +283,7 @@ public class StandardSelfNodeService implements SelfNodeService {
return nodeDAO.create(sage);

private BubbleNode initThisNode() {
@NonNull private BubbleNode initThisNode() {
if (!THIS_NODE_FILE.exists()) {
log.warn("initThisNode: "+abs(THIS_NODE_FILE)+" does not exist, returning null");
return NULL_NODE;
@@ -296,13 +294,14 @@ public class StandardSelfNodeService implements SelfNodeService {
return initSelf(selfNode);

private BubbleNode initSelf(BubbleNode selfNode) {
@NonNull private BubbleNode initSelf(@NonNull final BubbleNode selfNode) {
log.debug("initSelf: starting with selfNode="+selfNode.id());
final BubbleNode foundByUuid = nodeDAO.findByUuid(selfNode.getUuid());
final BubbleNode foundByFqdn = nodeDAO.findByFqdn(selfNode.getFqdn());
final BubbleNode foundByIp4 = nodeDAO.findByIp4(selfNode.getIp4());
if (foundByUuid == null && foundByFqdn == null && foundByIp4 == null) {
// node exists in JSON but not in DB: write it to DB
// node exists in JSON but not in DB: write it to DB - also sage node is required to be in DB:
if (nodeDAO.findByUuid(selfNode.getSageNode()) == null) initSageNode(selfNode);
return ensureRunning(nodeDAO.create(selfNode));

} else if (foundByUuid != null && foundByFqdn != null) {
@@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ public class StandardSelfNodeService implements SelfNodeService {

private BubbleNode ensureRunning(BubbleNode selfNode) {
@NonNull private BubbleNode ensureRunning(@NonNull final BubbleNode selfNode) {
return selfNode.getState() == BubbleNodeState.running
? selfNode
: nodeDAO.update(selfNode.setState(BubbleNodeState.running));
