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add support for configuring user-agent blocks

Jonathan Cobb 4 anni fa
9 ha cambiato i file con 190 aggiunte e 23 eliminazioni
  1. +66
  2. +5
  3. +12
  4. +23
  5. +12
  6. +33
  7. +1
  8. +37
  9. +1

+ 66
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/app/bblock/BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver.java Vedi File

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import bubble.model.device.Device;
import bubble.rule.bblock.BubbleBlockConfig;
import bubble.rule.bblock.BubbleBlockList;
import bubble.rule.bblock.BubbleBlockRuleDriver;
import bubble.rule.bblock.BubbleUserAgentBlock;
import bubble.server.BubbleConfiguration;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
public static final String VIEW_manageLists = "manageLists";
public static final String VIEW_manageList = "manageList";
public static final String VIEW_manageRules = "manageRules";
public static final String VIEW_manageUserAgents = "manageUserAgents";
public static final AppMatcher TEST_MATCHER = new AppMatcher();
public static final Device TEST_DEVICE = new Device();

@@ -68,6 +70,9 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
id = builtinList.getId();
return loadListEntries(account, app, id);

case VIEW_manageUserAgents:
return loadUserAgentBlocks(account, app);
throw notFoundEx(view);
@@ -96,14 +101,24 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
final AppRule rule = loadRule(account, app);
loadDriver(account, rule); // validate proper driver

final List<BubbleBlockList> blockLists = new ArrayList<>();
final BubbleBlockConfig blockConfig = json(rule.getConfigJson(), BubbleBlockConfig.class);
final List<BubbleBlockList> blockLists = new ArrayList<>();
blockLists.addAll( Arrays.stream(blockConfig.getBlockLists())
.map(list -> list.setRule(rule))
.collect(Collectors.toList()) );
return blockLists;

private BubbleUserAgentBlock[] loadUserAgentBlocks(Account account, BubbleApp app) {

final AppRule rule = loadRule(account, app);
loadDriver(account, rule); // validate proper driver

final BubbleBlockConfig blockConfig = json(rule.getConfigJson(), BubbleBlockConfig.class);
final BubbleUserAgentBlock[] blocks = blockConfig.getUserAgentBlocks();
return empty(blocks) ? BubbleUserAgentBlock.NO_BLOCKS : blocks;

private RuleDriver loadDriver(Account account, AppRule rule) {
final RuleDriver driver = driverDAO.findByAccountAndId(account.getUuid(), rule.getDriver());
if (driver == null || !driver.getDriverClass().equals(BubbleBlockRuleDriver.class.getName())) {
@@ -126,11 +141,15 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
public static final String ACTION_updateList = "updateList";
public static final String ACTION_createRule = "createRule";
public static final String ACTION_removeRule = "removeRule";
public static final String ACTION_createUserAgentBlock = "createUserAgentBlock";
public static final String ACTION_removeUserAgentBlock = "removeUserAgentBlock";
public static final String ACTION_testUrl = "testUrl";

public static final String PARAM_URL = "url";
public static final String PARAM_RULE = "rule";
public static final String PARAM_USER_AGENT_REGEX = "userAgentRegex";
public static final String PARAM_TEST_URL = "testUrl";
public static final String PARAM_TEST_USER_AGENT = "testUserAgent";
public static final String PARAM_TEST_URL_PRIMARY = "testUrlPrimary";

@Override public Object takeAppAction(Account account,
@@ -146,6 +165,8 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
return addRule(account, app, params, data);
case ACTION_testUrl:
return testUrl(account, app, data);
case ACTION_createUserAgentBlock:
return createUserAgentBlock(account, app, params, data);
throw notFoundEx(action);
@@ -160,6 +181,14 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {

if (!isHttpOrHttps(testUrl)) testUrl = SCHEME_HTTPS + testUrl;

final String userAgent;
final JsonNode userAgentNode = data.get(PARAM_TEST_USER_AGENT);
if (userAgentNode == null || empty(userAgentNode.textValue())) {
userAgent = "";
} else {
userAgent = userAgentNode.textValue();

final String host;
final String path;
try {
@@ -177,7 +206,7 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
final RuleDriver ruleDriver = loadDriver(account, rule);
final BubbleBlockRuleDriver unwiredDriver = (BubbleBlockRuleDriver) rule.initDriver(ruleDriver, TEST_MATCHER, account, TEST_DEVICE);
final BubbleBlockRuleDriver driver = configuration.autowire(unwiredDriver);
final BlockDecision decision = driver.getDecision(host, path, primary);
final BlockDecision decision = driver.getDecision(host, path, userAgent, primary);
return getBuiltinList(account, app).setResponse(decision);

} catch (Exception e) {
@@ -239,6 +268,38 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {
return list;

private BubbleUserAgentBlock createUserAgentBlock(Account account, BubbleApp app, Map<String, String> params, JsonNode data) {

final JsonNode rule = data.get(PARAM_RULE);
final String urlRegex;
if (rule == null || rule.textValue() == null) {
urlRegex = ".*";
} else {
urlRegex = rule.textValue().trim();

final JsonNode userAgentRegexNode = data.get(PARAM_USER_AGENT_REGEX);
if (userAgentRegexNode == null) {
throw invalidEx("err.userAgentRegex.required");
final String userAgentRegex = userAgentRegexNode.textValue().trim();

final AppRule appRule = loadRule(account, app);
final BubbleBlockConfig blockConfig = json(appRule.getConfigJson(), BubbleBlockConfig.class);
final BubbleUserAgentBlock uaBlock = new BubbleUserAgentBlock()
return uaBlock;

private BubbleUserAgentBlock[] removeUserAgentBlock(Account account, BubbleApp app, String id) {
final AppRule appRule = loadRule(account, app);
final BubbleBlockConfig blockConfig = json(appRule.getConfigJson(), BubbleBlockConfig.class);
return blockConfig.getUserAgentBlocks();

@Override public Object takeItemAction(Account account,
BubbleApp app,
String view,
@@ -279,6 +340,9 @@ public class BubbleBlockAppConfigDriver implements AppConfigDriver {

case ACTION_removeRule:
return removeRule(account, app, id);

case ACTION_removeUserAgentBlock:
return removeUserAgentBlock(account, app, id);

throw notFoundEx(action);

+ 5
- 11
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/app/AppMatcher.java Vedi File

@@ -108,31 +108,25 @@ public class AppMatcher extends IdentifiableBase implements AppTemplateEntity, H
public boolean matchesUserAgent (String value) { return getUserAgentPattern().matcher(value).find(); }

@ECSearchable(filter=true) @ECField(index=90)
@Size(max=4000, message="err.jsMatch.length")
@Type(type=ENCRYPTED_STRING) @Column(columnDefinition="varchar("+(4000+ENC_PAD)+")")
@Getter @Setter private String jsMatch;
public boolean hasJsMatch() { return !empty(jsMatch); }

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=100)
@ECSearchable @ECField(index=90)
@Column(nullable=false, updatable=false, length=UUID_MAXLEN)
@Getter @Setter private String rule;

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=110)
@ECSearchable @ECField(index=1100)
@Getter @Setter private Boolean blocked = false;
public boolean blocked() { return bool(blocked); }

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=120)
@ECSearchable @ECField(index=110)
@ECIndex @Column(nullable=false)
@Getter @Setter private Boolean template = false;

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=130)
@ECSearchable @ECField(index=120)
@ECIndex @Column(nullable=false)
@Getter @Setter private Boolean enabled = true;

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=140)
@ECSearchable @ECField(index=130)
@Getter @Setter private Integer priority = 0;

+ 12
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/stream/FilterHttpResource.java Vedi File

@@ -187,7 +187,16 @@ public class FilterHttpResource {
for (AppMatcher matcher : matchers) {
if (retainMatchers.containsKey(matcher.getUuid())) continue;
if (matcher.matchesUrl(uri)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix+"matcher "+matcher.getName()+" with pattern "+matcher.getUrlRegex()+" found match for uri: '"+uri+"'");
if (matcher.hasUserAgentRegex()) {
if (!matcher.matchesUserAgent(filterRequest.getUserAgent())) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix+"matcher "+matcher.getName()+" with pattern "+matcher.getUrlRegex()+" found match for uri: '"+uri+"', but user-agent pattern "+matcher.getUserAgentRegex()+" does not match user-agent="+filterRequest.getUserAgent());
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix + "matcher " + matcher.getName() + " with pattern " + matcher.getUrlRegex() + " found match for uri: '" + uri + "' and for user-agent pattern "+matcher.getUserAgentRegex()+" for user-agent="+filterRequest.getUserAgent());
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix + "matcher " + matcher.getName() + " with pattern " + matcher.getUrlRegex() + " found match for uri: '" + uri + "'");
final FilterMatchDecision matchResponse = ruleEngine.preprocess(filterRequest, req, request, caller, device, matcher);
switch (matchResponse) {
case abort_ok: return FilterMatchersResponse.ABORT_OK;
@@ -350,7 +359,7 @@ public class FilterHttpResource {
return passthru(request);
if (!isContentTypeMatch(matchersResponse, contentType)) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info(prefix+"none of the "+matchersResponse.getMatchers().size()+" matchers matched contentType="+contentType+", returning passthru");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix+"none of the "+matchersResponse.getMatchers().size()+" matchers matched contentType="+contentType+", returning passthru");
return passthru(request);

@@ -399,7 +408,7 @@ public class FilterHttpResource {
final List<AppMatcher> matchers = matchersResponse.getMatchers();
for (AppMatcher m : matchers) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(prefix+"checking contentType match, matcher.contentTypeRegex="+m.getContentTypeRegex()+", contentType="+ct);
if (m.getContentTypePattern().matcher(ct).matches()) {
if (m.matchesContentType(ct)) {
return true;

+ 23
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/rule/bblock/BubbleBlockConfig.java Vedi File

@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ public class BubbleBlockConfig {
@Getter @Setter private Boolean inPageBlocks;
public boolean inPageBlocks() { return inPageBlocks != null && inPageBlocks; }

@Getter @Setter private BubbleUserAgentBlock[] userAgentBlocks;

@Getter @Setter private BubbleBlockList[] blockLists;

public BubbleBlockConfig updateList(BubbleBlockList list) {
@@ -49,4 +51,25 @@ public class BubbleBlockConfig {
return this;

public BubbleBlockConfig addUserAgentBlock (BubbleUserAgentBlock uaBlock) {
if (userAgentBlocks != null) {
for (BubbleUserAgentBlock uab : userAgentBlocks) {
if (uab.equals(uaBlock)) return this;
userAgentBlocks = ArrayUtil.append(userAgentBlocks, uaBlock);
return this;

public BubbleBlockConfig removeUserAgentBlock (String id) {
if (userAgentBlocks == null) return this;
final List<BubbleUserAgentBlock> retained = new ArrayList<>(userAgentBlocks.length);
for (BubbleUserAgentBlock uab : userAgentBlocks) {
if (!uab.getId().equals(id)) retained.add(uab);
userAgentBlocks = retained.toArray(BubbleUserAgentBlock.NO_BLOCKS);
return this;


+ 12
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/rule/bblock/BubbleBlockRuleDriver.java Vedi File

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public class BubbleBlockRuleDriver extends TrafficAnalyticsRuleDriver {
final String fqdn = filter.getFqdn();
final String prefix = "preprocess("+filter.getRequestId()+"): ";

final BlockDecision decision = getDecision(filter.getFqdn(), filter.getUri());
final BlockDecision decision = getDecision(filter.getFqdn(), filter.getUri(), filter.getUserAgent());
switch (decision.getDecisionType()) {
case block:
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.info(prefix+"decision is BLOCK");
@@ -137,9 +137,18 @@ public class BubbleBlockRuleDriver extends TrafficAnalyticsRuleDriver {

public BlockDecision getDecision(String fqdn, String uri) { return blockList.getDecision(fqdn, uri, false); }
public BlockDecision getDecision(String fqdn, String uri, String userAgent) { return blockList.getDecision(fqdn, uri, userAgent, false); }

public BlockDecision getDecision(String fqdn, String uri, boolean primary) { return blockList.getDecision(fqdn, uri, primary); }
public BlockDecision getDecision(String fqdn, String uri, String userAgent, boolean primary) {
if (!empty(userAgent) && !empty(bubbleBlockConfig.getUserAgentBlocks())) {
for (BubbleUserAgentBlock uaBlock : bubbleBlockConfig.getUserAgentBlocks()) {
if (uaBlock.hasUrlRegex() && uaBlock.urlMatches(uri)) {
if (uaBlock.userAgentMatches(userAgent)) return BlockDecision.BLOCK;
return blockList.getDecision(fqdn, uri, primary);

@Override public InputStream doFilterResponse(FilterHttpRequest filterRequest, InputStream in) {

+ 33
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/rule/bblock/BubbleUserAgentBlock.java Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package bubble.rule.bblock;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.empty;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.security.ShaUtil.sha256_hex;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true) @EqualsAndHashCode(of={"urlRegex", "userAgentRegex"})
public class BubbleUserAgentBlock {

public static final BubbleUserAgentBlock[] NO_BLOCKS = new BubbleUserAgentBlock[0];

@Getter(lazy=true) private final String id = sha256_hex(getUrlRegex()+"\t"+getUserAgentRegex());

@Getter @Setter private String urlRegex;
public boolean hasUrlRegex () { return !empty(urlRegex); }

@JsonIgnore @Getter(lazy=true) private final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile(getUrlRegex(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public boolean urlMatches(String uri) { return getUrlPattern().matcher(uri).find(); }

@Getter @Setter private String userAgentRegex;

@JsonIgnore @Getter(lazy=true) private final Pattern uaPattern = Pattern.compile(getUserAgentRegex(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
public boolean userAgentMatches (String ua) { return getUaPattern().matcher(ua).find(); }


+ 1
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/resources/message_templates/en_US/server/post_auth/ResourceMessages.properties Vedi File

@@ -669,6 +669,7 @@ err.type.invalid=Type is invalid
err.type.required=Type is required
err.url.length=URL is too long
err.contentTypeRegex.length=Content-Type regex is too long
err.userAgentRegex.required=User-Agent regex is required
err.userAgentRegex.length=User-Agent regex is too long
err.urlRegex.length=URL regex is too long
err.urlRegex.required=URL regex is required

+ 37
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/resources/models/apps/bubble_block/bubbleApp_bubbleBlock.json Vedi File

@@ -34,7 +34,10 @@
{"name": "rule"},
{"name": "ruleType", "mode": "readOnly"},
{"name": "testUrl", "type": "http_url"},
{"name": "testUrlPrimary", "type": "flag"}
{"name": "testUserAgent", "required": false},
{"name": "testUrlPrimary", "type": "flag"},
{"name": "urlRegex", "required": false},
{"name": "userAgentRegex"}
"configViews": [{
"name": "manageLists",
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@
{"name": "enableList", "when": "!item.enabled", "index": 10},
{"name": "disableList", "when": "item.enabled", "index": 20},
{"name": "manageList", "view": "manageList", "index": 30},
{"name": "manageRules", "view": "manageRules", "when": "item.url === ''", "index": 40},
{"name": "manageRules", "view": "manageRules", "when": "item.url === \\'\\'", "index": 40},
{"name": "removeList", "index": 50, "when": "item.url !== ''"},
"name": "createList", "scope": "app", "view": "manageList", "index": 10,
@@ -83,7 +86,26 @@
"name": "testUrl", "scope": "app", "index": 20,
"params": ["testUrl", "testUrlPrimary"],
"params": ["testUrl", "testUserAgent", "testUrlPrimary"],
"button": "testUrl",
"successMessage": "decisionType"
}, {
"name": "manageUserAgents",
"scope": "app",
"root": "true",
"fields": ["userAgentRegex", "urlRegex"],
"actions": [
{"name": "removeUserAgentBlock", "index": 10},
"name": "createUserAgentBlock", "scope": "app", "index": 10,
"params": ["userAgentRegex", "urlRegex"],
"button": "createUserAgentBlock"
"name": "testUrl", "scope": "app", "index": 20,
"params": ["testUrl", "testUserAgent", "testUrlPrimary"],
"button": "testUrl",
"successMessage": "decisionType"
@@ -150,6 +172,7 @@
{"name": "config.view.manageLists", "value": "Manage Filter Lists"},
{"name": "config.view.manageList", "value": "Manage Filter List"},
{"name": "config.view.manageRules", "value": "Manage Filter Rules"},
{"name": "config.view.manageUserAgents", "value": "Manage User-Agents"},

{"name": "config.field.name", "value": "Name"},
{"name": "config.field.description", "value": "Description"},
@@ -164,8 +187,14 @@
{"name": "config.field.ruleType", "value": "Rule Type"},
{"name": "config.field.testUrl", "value": "Test URL"},
{"name": "config.field.testUrl.description", "value": "URL to check against filters"},
{"name": "config.field.testUserAgent", "value": "Test User-Agent"},
{"name": "config.field.testUserAgent.description", "value": "User-Agent to check against filters"},
{"name": "config.field.testUrlPrimary", "value": "Primary"},
{"name": "config.field.testUrlPrimary.description", "value": "A primary request will receive either an ALLOW or BLOCK decision from your Bubble. A non-primary request (for example a request for a webpage) may additionally receive a FILTER decision. This means the request will be permitted, but the response will be instrumented with Bubble filters to remove ads, malware and blocked elements."},
{"name": "config.field.urlRegex", "value": "URL"},
{"name": "config.field.urlRegex.description", "value": "A regular expression to match against the URL"},
{"name": "config.field.userAgentRegex", "value": "User-Agent"},
{"name": "config.field.userAgentRegex.description", "value": "A regular expression to match against the User-Agent"},

{"name": "config.action.enableList", "value": "Enable"},
{"name": "config.action.disableList", "value": "Disable"},
@@ -175,9 +204,14 @@
{"name": "config.button.createList", "value": "Add"},
{"name": "config.action.updateList", "value": "Update"},
{"name": "config.action.manageRules", "value": "Rules"},
{"name": "config.action.manageUserAgents", "value": "User-Agents"},
{"name": "config.action.removeRule", "value": "Remove Rule"},
{"name": "config.action.createRule", "value": "Add New Rule"},
{"name": "config.button.createRule", "value": "Add"},
{"name": "config.action.createUserAgentBlock", "value": "Add New User-Agent Rule"},
{"name": "config.button.createUserAgentBlock", "value": "Add"},
{"name": "config.action.removeUserAgentBlock", "value": "Remove Rule"},
{"name": "config.button.removeUserAgentBlock", "value": "Remove"},
{"name": "config.action.testUrl", "value": "Test URL"},
{"name": "config.button.testUrl", "value": "Test"},
{"name": "config.response.block", "value": "Block"},

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5c61e5b7b443b1813a84d9cd4f0121af274e480b
Subproject commit 228f86c5c0fede20b0901887823fceb7f9667ce8
