Explorar el Código

Merge branch 'master' into kris/log_flag_ui

# Conflicts:
#	utils/cobbzilla-wizard
Kristijan Mitrovic hace 4 años
Se han modificado 21 ficheros con 138 adiciones y 81 borrados
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+ 12
- 8
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/cloud/compute/NodeReaper.java Ver fichero

@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ public class NodeReaper extends SimpleDaemon {

private void processNode(@NonNull final BubbleNode node) {
if (wouldKillSelf(node)) return;
final var found = nodeDAO.findByIp4(node.getIp4());
if (found == null) {
final var nodeFromDB = nodeDAO.findByIp4(node.getIp4());
if (nodeFromDB == null) {
final String message = prefix() + "processNode: no node exists with ip4=" + node.getIp4() + ", killing it";
@@ -78,15 +78,19 @@ public class NodeReaper extends SimpleDaemon {
log.error(errMessage, e);
} else {
if (networkService.isReachable(node)) {
if (networkService.isReachable(nodeFromDB)) {
} else {
final long downTime = unreachableSince.computeIfAbsent(node.getUuid(), k -> now());
if (now() - downTime > MAX_DOWNTIME_BEFORE_DELETION) {
final String message = prefix() + "processNode: deleting node (" + node.id() + ") that has been down since " + TimeUtil.DATE_FORMAT_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss.print(downTime);
final var downTime = unreachableSince.get(nodeFromDB.getUuid());
if (downTime == null) {
unreachableSince.put(nodeFromDB.getUuid(), now());
} else if (now() - downTime > MAX_DOWNTIME_BEFORE_DELETION) {
final var message = prefix() + "processNode: deleting node that has been down since "
+ TimeUtil.DATE_FORMAT_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss.print(downTime)
+ " node=" + nodeFromDB.id();

+ 2
- 2
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/dao/account/TrustedClientDAO.java Ver fichero

@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ public class TrustedClientDAO extends AccountOwnedEntityDAO<TrustedClient> {
return super.preCreate(trusted.setTrustId(randomUUID().toString()));

@Override public TrustedClient postCreate(TrustedClient trusted, Object context) {
return super.postCreate(trusted, context);
public TrustedClient findByAccountAndDevice(String accountUuid, String deviceUuid) {
return findByUniqueFields("account", accountUuid, "device", deviceUuid);


+ 3
- 1
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/dao/device/DeviceDAO.java Ver fichero

@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ public class DeviceDAO extends AccountOwnedEntityDAO<Device> {

@Override public Device create(@NonNull final Device device) {
if (isRawMode() || device.uninitialized()) return super.create(device);
if (isRawMode() || device.uninitialized() || device.getDeviceType().isNonVpnDevice()) {
return super.create(device);

synchronized (createLock) {

+ 1
- 1
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/main/GenerateAlgoConfMain.java Ver fichero

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class GenerateAlgoConfMain extends BaseMain<GenerateAlgoConfOptions> {

private List<String> loadDevices() {
try {
final String sqlResult = execScript("echo \"select uuid from device where enabled = TRUE\" | PGPASSWORD=\"$(cat /home/bubble/.BUBBLE_PG_PASSWORD)\" psql -U bubble -h bubble -qt");
final String sqlResult = execScript("echo \"select uuid from device where enabled = TRUE and device_type != 'non_vpn'\" | PGPASSWORD=\"$(cat /home/bubble/.BUBBLE_PG_PASSWORD)\" psql -U bubble -h bubble -qt");
final List<String> deviceUuids = Arrays.stream(sqlResult.split("\n"))
.filter(device -> !empty(device))

+ 6
- 6
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/account/Account.java Ver fichero

@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ import bubble.dao.account.AccountInitializer;
import bubble.model.app.AppData;
import bubble.model.app.BubbleApp;
import bubble.model.app.RuleDriver;
import bubble.model.bill.AccountPayment;
import bubble.model.bill.AccountPaymentMethod;
import bubble.model.bill.AccountPlan;
import bubble.model.bill.Bill;
import bubble.model.bill.*;
import bubble.model.boot.ActivationRequest;
import bubble.model.cloud.*;
import bubble.model.cloud.notify.ReceivedNotification;
@@ -82,10 +79,12 @@ import static org.cobbzilla.wizard.resources.ResourceUtil.invalidEx;
@Entity @NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true) @Slf4j
public class Account extends IdentifiableBaseParentEntity implements TokenPrincipal, SqlViewSearchResult {

public static final String[] UPDATE_FIELDS = {"url", "description", "autoUpdatePolicy", "syncPassword"};
public static final String[] UPDATE_FIELDS = {
"url", "description", "autoUpdatePolicy", "syncPassword", "preferredPlan"
public static final String[] ADMIN_UPDATE_FIELDS = ArrayUtil.append(UPDATE_FIELDS, "suspended", "admin");
public static final String[] CREATE_FIELDS = ArrayUtil.append(ADMIN_UPDATE_FIELDS,
"name", "termsAgreed", "preferredPlan");
"name", "termsAgreed");

public static final String ROOT_USERNAME = "root";
public static final String ROOT_EMAIL = "root@local.local";
@@ -198,6 +197,7 @@ public class Account extends IdentifiableBaseParentEntity implements TokenPrinci

@ECForeignKey(entity=BubblePlan.class, index=false, cascade=false)
@Getter @Setter private String preferredPlan;
public boolean hasPreferredPlan () { return !empty(preferredPlan); }

+ 10
- 1
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/account/TrustedClient.java Ver fichero

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package bubble.model.account;

import bubble.model.device.Device;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
@@ -25,7 +26,10 @@ import static org.cobbzilla.wizard.model.crypto.EncryptedTypes.ENC_PAD;

@Entity @ECType(root=true) @Slf4j
@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@ECIndexes({@ECIndex(unique=true, of={"account", "trustId"})})
@ECIndex(unique=true, of={"account", "trustId"}),
@ECIndex(unique=true, of={"account", "device"})
public class TrustedClient extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount {

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=10)
@@ -33,6 +37,11 @@ public class TrustedClient extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount {
@Column(nullable=false, updatable=false, length=UUID_MAXLEN)
@Getter @Setter private String account;

@ECSearchable @ECField(index=20)
@Column(nullable=false, updatable=false, length=UUID_MAXLEN)
@Getter @Setter private String device;

@Type(type=ENCRYPTED_STRING) @Column(updatable=false, columnDefinition="varchar("+(100+ENC_PAD)+") NOT NULL")
@JsonIgnore @Getter @Setter private String trustId;

+ 4
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/account/TrustedClientLoginRequest.java Ver fichero

@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ public class TrustedClientLoginRequest {
private String password;
public boolean hasPassword () { return !empty(password); }

@Getter @Setter private String device;
public boolean hasDevice () { return !empty(device); }

// require timestamp to begin with a '1'.
// note: this means this pattern will break on October 11, 2603
private static final String TRUST_HASH_REGEX = "^1[\\d]{10}-"+UUID_REGEX+"-"+UUID_REGEX+"$";

+ 15
- 3
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/bill/AccountPaymentMethod.java Ver fichero

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package bubble.model.bill;

import bubble.cloud.CloudServiceType;
import bubble.cloud.payment.PaymentServiceDriver;
import bubble.dao.bill.BubblePlanDAO;
import bubble.dao.cloud.CloudServiceDAO;
import bubble.model.account.Account;
import bubble.model.account.HasAccountNoName;
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ public class AccountPaymentMethod extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount

@Override public ScrubbableField[] fieldsToScrub() { return SCRUB_FIELDS; }

public static final String[] CREATE_FIELDS = {"paymentMethodType", "paymentInfo", "maskedPaymentInfo", "cloud"};
public static final String[] CREATE_FIELDS = {"paymentMethodType", "paymentInfo", "maskedPaymentInfo", "cloud", "preferredPlan"};
public static final String[] VALIDATION_SET_FIELDS = {"paymentInfo", "maskedPaymentInfo"};

public AccountPaymentMethod(AccountPaymentMethod other) { copy(this, other, CREATE_FIELDS); }
@@ -102,6 +103,9 @@ public class AccountPaymentMethod extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount
@Transient @Getter @Setter private transient Boolean requireValidatedEmail = null;
public boolean requireValidatedEmail() { return requireValidatedEmail == null || requireValidatedEmail; }

@Transient @Getter @Setter private transient String preferredPlan;
public boolean hasPreferredPlan() { return !empty(preferredPlan); }

public ValidationResult validate(ValidationResult result, BubbleConfiguration configuration) {

if (!hasPaymentMethodType()) {
@@ -143,7 +147,7 @@ public class AccountPaymentMethod extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount
if (empty(getPaymentInfo())) {
} else {
log.info("validate: starting validation of payment method with this.requireValidatedEmail="+requireValidatedEmail);
log.debug("validate: starting validation of payment method with this.requireValidatedEmail="+requireValidatedEmail);
final PaymentValidationResult validationResult = paymentDriver.validate(this);
if (validationResult.hasErrors()) {
@@ -153,7 +157,15 @@ public class AccountPaymentMethod extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount

if (hasPreferredPlan()) {
final BubblePlanDAO planDAO = configuration.getBean(BubblePlanDAO.class);
final BubblePlan plan = planDAO.findById(preferredPlan);
if (plan == null) {
} else {
return result;

+ 4
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/device/BubbleDeviceType.java Ver fichero

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ public enum BubbleDeviceType {
android (CertType.cer, true, DeviceSecurityLevel.basic),
linux (CertType.crt, true, DeviceSecurityLevel.standard),
firefox (CertType.crt, false),
web_client (null, false, DeviceSecurityLevel.disabled),
other (null, true, DeviceSecurityLevel.basic);

@Getter private final CertType certType;
@@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ public enum BubbleDeviceType {

@JsonCreator public static BubbleDeviceType fromString (String v) { return enumFromString(BubbleDeviceType.class, v); }

public boolean isNonVpnDevice () { return this == web_client; }
public boolean isVpnDevice () { return !isNonVpnDevice(); }

@Getter(lazy=true) private static final List<BubbleDeviceType> selectableTypes = initSelectable();
private static List<BubbleDeviceType> initSelectable() {
return Arrays.stream(values())

+ 4
- 5
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/model/device/Device.java Ver fichero

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
package bubble.model.device;

import bubble.ApiConstants;
import bubble.model.account.Account;
import bubble.model.account.HasAccount;
import bubble.model.cloud.BubbleNetwork;
@@ -22,10 +21,10 @@ import org.hibernate.annotations.Type;

import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;

import java.io.File;

import static bubble.ApiConstants.EP_DEVICES;
import static bubble.ApiConstants.HOME_DIR;
import static bubble.model.device.BubbleDeviceType.other;
import static bubble.model.device.BubbleDeviceType.uninitialized;
import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
@@ -51,10 +50,10 @@ public class Device extends IdentifiableBase implements HasAccount {
public static final String UNINITIALIZED_DEVICE = "__uninitialized_device__";

public static final String VPN_CONFIG_PATH = ApiConstants.HOME_DIR + "/configs/localhost/wireguard/";
public static final String VPN_CONFIG_PATH = HOME_DIR + "/configs/localhost/wireguard/";

public File qrFile () { return new File(Device.VPN_CONFIG_PATH+getUuid()+".png"); }
public File vpnConfFile () { return new File(Device.VPN_CONFIG_PATH+getUuid()+".conf"); }
public File qrFile () { return new File(VPN_CONFIG_PATH+getUuid()+".png"); }
public File vpnConfFile () { return new File(VPN_CONFIG_PATH+getUuid()+".conf"); }
public boolean configsOk () { return qrFile().exists() && vpnConfFile().exists(); }

public Device (Device other) { copy(this, other, CREATE_FIELDS); }

+ 27
- 10
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/account/TrustedAuthResource.java Ver fichero

@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import bubble.dao.SessionDAO;
import bubble.dao.account.AccountDAO;
import bubble.dao.account.AccountPolicyDAO;
import bubble.dao.account.TrustedClientDAO;
import bubble.dao.device.DeviceDAO;
import bubble.model.account.*;
import bubble.model.account.message.ActionTarget;
import bubble.model.device.Device;
import bubble.service.account.StandardAuthenticatorService;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@@ -21,7 +23,6 @@ import javax.validation.Valid;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import java.util.List;

import static bubble.ApiConstants.EP_DELETE;
import static bubble.resources.account.AuthResource.newLoginSession;
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ public class TrustedAuthResource {

@Autowired private AccountDAO accountDAO;
@Autowired private AccountPolicyDAO policyDAO;
@Autowired private DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
@Autowired private SessionDAO sessionDAO;
@Autowired private StandardAuthenticatorService authenticatorService;
@Autowired private TrustedClientDAO trustedClientDAO;
@@ -55,10 +57,20 @@ public class TrustedAuthResource {
final Account account = validateAccountLogin(request.getEmail(), request.getPassword());
if (!account.getUuid().equals(caller.getUuid())) return notFound(request.getEmail());

final Device device = deviceDAO.findByAccountAndId(account.getUuid(), request.getDevice());
if (device == null) return notFound(request.getDevice());

// is there an existing trusted client for this device?
final TrustedClient existing = trustedClientDAO.findByAccountAndDevice(account.getUuid(), device.getUuid());
if (existing != null) return invalid("err.device.alreadyTrusted");

final AccountPolicy policy = policyDAO.findSingleByAccount(account.getUuid());
authenticatorService.ensureAuthenticated(ctx, policy, ActionTarget.account);

return ok(new TrustedClientResponse(trustedClientDAO.create(new TrustedClient().setAccount(account.getUuid())).getTrustId()));
final TrustedClient trusted = new TrustedClient()
return ok(new TrustedClientResponse(trustedClientDAO.create(trusted).getTrustId()));

@@ -75,15 +87,17 @@ public class TrustedAuthResource {
return ok(account.setToken(newLoginSession(account, accountDAO, sessionDAO)));

@DELETE @Path(EP_DELETE+"/{device}")
public Response removeTrustedClient(@Context ContainerRequest ctx,
@Valid TrustedClientLoginRequest request) {
@PathParam("device") String deviceId) {
final Account caller = userPrincipal(ctx);
final Account validated = validateAccountLogin(request.getEmail(), request.getPassword());
if (!validated.getUuid().equals(caller.getUuid())) return notFound(request.getEmail());

final Account account = validateTrustedCall(request);
final TrustedClient trusted = findTrustedClient(account, request);
final Device device = deviceDAO.findByAccountAndId(caller.getUuid(), deviceId);
if (device == null) return notFound(deviceId);

final TrustedClient trusted = trustedClientDAO.findByAccountAndDevice(caller.getUuid(), device.getUuid());
if (trusted == null) return notFound(deviceId);

return ok_empty();
@@ -116,9 +130,12 @@ public class TrustedAuthResource {

private TrustedClient findTrustedClient(Account account, TrustedClientLoginRequest request) {
final List<TrustedClient> trustedClients = trustedClientDAO.findByAccount(account.getUuid());
final TrustedClient trusted = trustedClients.stream().filter(c -> c.isValid(request)).findFirst().orElse(null);
final TrustedClient trusted = trustedClientDAO.findByAccountAndDevice(account.getUuid(), request.getDevice());
if (trusted == null) {
log.warn("findTrustedClient: no TrustedClient found for device");
throw notFoundEx(request.getDevice());
if (!trusted.isValid(request)) {
log.warn("findTrustedClient: no TrustedClient found for salt/hash");
throw notFoundEx(request.getTrustHash());

+ 7
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/java/bubble/resources/bill/AccountPaymentMethodsResource.java Ver fichero

@@ -75,4 +75,11 @@ public class AccountPaymentMethodsResource extends AccountOwnedResource<AccountP
return false;

@Override protected Object daoCreate(AccountPaymentMethod apm) {
if (apm.hasPreferredPlan()) {
final Account account = accountDAO.findByUuid(apm.getAccount());
return super.daoCreate(apm);

+ 1
- 1
bubble-server/src/main/resources/META-INF/bubble/bubble.properties Ver fichero

@@ -1 +1 @@
bubble.version=Adventure 0.15.4
bubble.version=Adventure 0.15.5

+ 1
- 1
bubble-server/src/main/resources/ansible/roles/mitmproxy/tasks/main.yml Ver fichero

@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
group: mitmproxy
mode: 0600

- name: Install mitmproxy_monitor supervisor conf file
- name: Install mitm_monitor supervisor conf file
src: supervisor_mitm_monitor.conf
dest: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mitm_monitor.conf

+ 8
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/resources/db/migration/V2020080301__add_trusted_client_device.sql Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

DELETE FROM trusted_client;
ALTER TABLE ONLY trusted_client ADD COLUMN device character varying(100) NOT NULL;

CREATE INDEX trusted_client_idx_device ON trusted_client USING btree (device);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX trusted_client_uniq_account_device ON trusted_client USING btree (account, device);

ALTER TABLE ONLY trusted_client ADD CONSTRAINT trusted_client_fk_device FOREIGN KEY (device) REFERENCES device(uuid);

+ 2
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/resources/db/migration/V2020080302__add_account_preferred_plan_fk.sql Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

ALTER TABLE ONLY account ADD CONSTRAINT account_fk_preferred_plan FOREIGN KEY (preferred_plan) REFERENCES bubble_plan(uuid);

+ 1
- 4
bubble-server/src/main/resources/message_templates/en_US/server/post_auth/ResourceMessages.properties Ver fichero

@@ -772,6 +772,7 @@ err.paymentService.notFound=Payment service is invalid
err.parent.notFound=Parent account does not exist
err.path.length=Path is too long
err.plan.required=Plan is required
err.plan.notFound=Plan not found
err.plan.planMaxAccountLimit=No more accounts can be created. Please upgrade your plan to create more accounts.
err.price.invalid=Price is invalid
err.price.length=Price is too long
@@ -852,10 +853,6 @@ err.suspended.cannotSuspendSelf=You cannot suspend yourself
err.tag.invalid=Tag is invalid
err.tagsJson.length=Too many tags
err.tagString.length=Too many tags
err.trustHash.required=trustHash is required
err.trustHash.invalid=trustHash is not valid
err.trustSalt.required=trustSalt is required
err.trustSalt.invalid=trustSalt is not valid
err.tgzB64.invalid.noRolesDir=No roles directory found in tgz
err.tgzB64.invalid.wrongNumberOfFiles=Wrong number of files in tgz base directory
err.tgzB64.invalid.missingTasksMainYml=No tasks/main.yml file found for role in tgz

+ 8
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/resources/message_templates/en_US/server/pre_auth/ResourceMessages.properties Ver fichero

@@ -411,6 +411,14 @@ message_resetPassword_sent=Password Reset Message Successfully Sent
# App Login
message_authenticating_app_login=Authenticating session...

# Trusted devices
err.trustHash.required=trustHash is required
err.trustHash.invalid=trustHash is not valid
err.trustSalt.required=trustSalt is required
err.trustSalt.invalid=trustSalt is not valid
err.device.required=Device is required
err.device.alreadyTrusted=Device is already trusted

# Payment methods
payment_description_credit=Credit or Debit Card
payment_description_code=Invitation Code

+ 20
- 36
bubble-server/src/test/resources/models/tests/auth/totp_auth.json Ver fichero

@@ -123,6 +123,21 @@

"comment": "create web client device",
"request": {
"uri": "me/devices",
"method": "put",
"entity": {
"name": "firefox-{{rand 10}}",
"deviceType": "web_client"
"response": {
"store": "device"

"comment": "login a third time with new session, TOTP still required",
"request": {
@@ -149,7 +164,8 @@
"method": "put",
"entity": {
"name": "{{userAccount.name}}",
"password": "foobar1!"
"password": "foobar1!",
"device": "{{device.uuid}}"
"response": {
@@ -178,6 +194,7 @@
"entity": {
"name": "{{userAccount.name}}",
"password": "foobar1!",
"device": "{{device.uuid}}",
"trustHash": "{{sha256expr '[[serverTime]]-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769-[[trusted.id]]'}}",
"trustSalt": "{{serverTime}}-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769"
@@ -202,44 +219,11 @@

"comment": "remove trust for this device, fails because we used the same serverTime",
"request": {
"uri": "auth/trust/delete",
"entity": {
"name": "{{userAccount.name}}",
"password": "foobar1!",
"trustHash": "{{sha256expr '[[serverTime]]-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769-[[trusted.id]]'}}",
"trustSalt": "{{serverTime}}-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769"
"response": {
"status": 422,
"check": [
{"condition": "json.has('err.trustHash.invalid')"}

"comment": "get updated server time",
"request": {
"uri": "auth/time"
"response": { "store": "serverTime" }

"comment": "remove trust for this device, succeeds",
"request": {
"uri": "auth/trust/delete",
"entity": {
"name": "{{userAccount.name}}",
"password": "foobar1!",
"trustHash": "{{sha256expr '[[serverTime]]-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769-[[trusted.id]]'}}",
"trustSalt": "{{serverTime}}-392f466c-cd17-11ea-bf46-0bb4a63a0769"
"uri": "auth/trust/delete/{{device.uuid}}",
"method": "delete"

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 7974c29cd2cf5eb312ae98de6f7a884258812268
Subproject commit 942a4485869b4f8b844f99b872fcdd94be28c7bd

+ 1
- 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 17208b8f45779d021da7fa00f26e117c3567e155
Subproject commit 5d199cbd98656554031faefc8e824d5897186135
