Pārlūkot izejas kodu

ShadowBan now works in fb comment threads

Jonathan Cobb pirms 4 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 217 papildinājumiem un 111 dzēšanām
  1. +14
  2. +203

+ 14
- 0
bubble-server/src/main/resources/bubble/rule/RequestModifierRule_icon.js.hbs Parādīt failu

@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_chase_redirects (a, removeParams) {

a.rel = 'noopener noreferrer nofollow';

fetch('/__bubble/api/filter/follow/{{BUBBLE_REQUEST_ID}}', {method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(a.href)})
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
@@ -138,6 +139,19 @@ if (typeof {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_icon_status === 'undefined') {

function {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, param) {
const cid = href.indexOf(param+'=');
if (cid !== -1) {
const regex = new RegExp('&?'+param+'=[^?&]+', 'g');
href = href.replace(regex, '');
const qPos = href.indexOf('?');
if (href[qPos+1] === '&') {
href = href.substring(0, qPos) + href.substring(qPos+2);
return href;

{{PAGE_PREFIX}}_log = function (data) {
const logData = JSON.stringify(data);
const requestOptions = {

+ 203
- 111
bubble-server/src/main/resources/bubble/rule/social/block/site/FB.js.hbs Parādīt failu

@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ Element.prototype.appendChild = function() {

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName) {
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item_from_dom(item, authorName) {
try {
const feedItem = {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_feed_item(article);
const feedItem = {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_feed_item(item);
// console.log('remove_item_from_dom: removing: '+item.outerHTML);
if (feedItem.parentElement) {
feedItem.innerHTML = '';
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName) {
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_is_ad(article) {
return typeof Array.from(article.getElementsByTagName('a')).find(a => a.href && a.href.indexOf('/ads/about') !== -1) !== 'undefined';

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_author_display_name(link) {
let strongs = Array.from(link.getElementsByTagName('strong'));
if (strongs.length === 0) return 'null (no <strong> element found)';
@@ -74,24 +76,30 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_feed_item(article) {
: article.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement; // todo: safer to walk upwards until we find FeedItem

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article(article, authorName) {
if (article.className.indexOf('{{JS_PREFIX}}_bub_blocked') === -1) {
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item(item, authorName) {
if (item.className.indexOf('{{JS_PREFIX}}_bub_blocked') === -1) {
// log('removing post by author: ' + authorName);
article.className = article.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_bub_blocked';
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName);
item.className = item.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_bub_blocked';
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item_from_dom(item, authorName);
} else {
console.log('found post marked removed but still present (??) by author: ' + authorName);

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_control(article, authorName) {
const imgHolder = {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_img();
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_control(item, authorLink, authorName, size) {
let linkClass = authorLink.className;
if (linkClass && linkClass.indexOf('{{JS_PREFIX}}_link_decorated') !== -1) {
return null;
} else {
authorLink.className = authorLink.className ? authorLink.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_link_decorated' : '{{JS_PREFIX}}_link_decorated';
const imgHolder = {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_img(size);
const blockSpan = document.createElement('span');
const blockLink = document.createElement('a');
blockLink.style.zIndex = '{{APP_CONTROLS_Z_INDEX}}'
blockLink.style.cursor = 'pointer';
blockLink.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article_from_dom(article, authorName);
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item_from_dom(item, authorName);
@@ -106,8 +114,8 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_control(article, authorName) {

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_is_author_link(href) {
const non_authors = ['friends', 'photo', 'memories'];
if (href.length === 0) return false;
const non_authors = ['friends', 'photo', 'memories', 'photo.php', 'story.php', 'a', 'a/comment.php', 'comment'];
let h = href.startsWith({{JS_PREFIX}}_site_host) ? href.substring({{JS_PREFIX}}_site_host.length) : href;
const qPos = h.indexOf('?');
if (qPos !== -1) {
@@ -118,12 +126,99 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_is_author_link(href) {
const matches = h.match(/\//g);
if (matches !== null) {
// log('>>>>>> not a top-level link: h='+h+', href='+href);
} else {
// console.log('href is toplevel: '+href+', matches='+matches);
return matches === null;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_clean_author_link(authorLink) {
const sitePrefix = {{JS_PREFIX}}_site_host;
let authorHref = authorLink.href;
let authorName = authorHref.startsWith(sitePrefix) ? authorHref.substring(sitePrefix.length) : authorHref;
const qPos = authorName.indexOf('?');
if (authorName.startsWith('profile.php?')) {
const andPos = authorName.indexOf('&');
if (andPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, andPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
} else {
if (qPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, qPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
if (authorName.endsWith('/')) authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.length - 1);
return authorName;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_block_or_decorate(firstEval, item, authorLink, authorName, authorDisplay, blocked_users, size) {
if (authorName in blocked_users) {
// console.log('found blocked user: '+authorName);
{{JS_PREFIX}}_tally_author_block(authorName == null ? {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_msg_or_default({{JS_PREFIX}}_messages, 'web_advertOrOtherBlock', 'ad/other') : authorName);
if (!firstEval) {{JS_PREFIX}}_untally_allow();
return {author: authorName == null ? true : authorName, item: item};
} else {
try {
let b = {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_control(item, authorLink, authorName, size);
// console.log('inserting span='+b.id+' for item by '+authorName);
if (b !== null) authorDisplay.parentNode.appendChild(b);

} catch (e) {
log('badness: '+e);
return null;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block_comment(blocked_users, comment) {

const mobile = {{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile;
const firstEval = {{JS_PREFIX}}_mark_evaluated(comment);

const authorLinks = Array.from(comment.getElementsByTagName('a'));
for (let i=0; i<authorLinks.length; i++) {
const authorLink = authorLinks[i];
if (!{{JS_PREFIX}}_is_author_link(authorLink.href)) continue;

const authorName = {{JS_PREFIX}}_clean_author_link(authorLink);
if (Array.from(authorLink.getElementsByTagName('i')).filter(i => i.className.indexOf('profpic') !== -1).length > 0) {
// do not consider profile pic link
const authorDisplay = mobile
? authorLink
: authorLink.getElementsByTagName('span')[0]; // todo: is this right?
// walk upwards until we find the comment or comment-reply, there could be something nested
let node = authorLink.parentElement;
let foundComment = null;
for (let i=0; i<10; i++) {
if (node === comment || {{JS_PREFIX}}_div_is_comment_reply(node)) {
foundComment = node;
node = node.parentElement;
if (foundComment === null) {
console.log('no parent comment found for authorLink: '+authorLink.outerHTML);
if ({{JS_PREFIX}}_includes_block_keyword(foundComment, firstEval)) {
// log('should_block returning true for keyword block');
return foundComment;
const blocked = {{JS_PREFIX}}_block_or_decorate(firstEval, foundComment, authorLink, authorName, authorDisplay, blocked_users, 16);
if (firstEval) {
// console.log('>>> allowing post with firstAuthor = '+firstAuthor);
if (blocked) return blocked;
return null;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
const mobile = {{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile;
const log = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_log;

@@ -131,7 +226,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {

if ({{JS_PREFIX}}_includes_block_keyword(article, firstEval)) {
// log('should_block returning true for keyword block');
return true;
return {item: article, author: null};

const authorLinks = Array.from(article.getElementsByTagName('a'))
@@ -142,22 +237,7 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
let firstAuthor = null;
for (let authIndex=0; authIndex<authorLinks.length; authIndex++) {
const authorLink = authorLinks[authIndex];
let authorHref = authorLink.href;
let authorName = authorHref.startsWith(sitePrefix) ? authorHref.substring(sitePrefix.length) : authorHref;
const qPos = authorName.indexOf('?');
if (authorName.startsWith('profile.php?')) {
const andPos = authorName.indexOf('&');
if (andPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, andPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
} else {
if (qPos !== -1) {
authorName = authorName.substring(0, qPos);
authorLink.href = sitePrefix + authorName;
if (authorName.endsWith('/')) authorName = authorName.substring(0, authorName.length - 1);
const authorName = {{JS_PREFIX}}_clean_author_link(authorLink);
if (firstAuthor === null) firstAuthor = authorName;
const authorDisplay = mobile
? authorLink
@@ -167,56 +247,47 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article) {
// log('removing ad ('+authorDisplayName+')');
{{JS_PREFIX}}_tally_author_block(authorName == null ? {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_msg_or_default({{JS_PREFIX}}_messages, 'web_advertOrOtherBlock', 'ad/other') : authorName);
if (!firstEval) {{JS_PREFIX}}_untally_allow();
return authorName == null ? true : authorName;

} else if (authorName in blocked_users) {
// log('found blocked user: '+authorName);
{{JS_PREFIX}}_tally_author_block(authorName == null ? {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_msg_or_default({{JS_PREFIX}}_messages, 'web_advertOrOtherBlock', 'ad/other') : authorName);
if (!firstEval) {{JS_PREFIX}}_untally_allow();
return authorName == null ? true : authorName;
return {item: article, author: authorName};

} else {
// have we visited this authorLink before?
try {
if (authorLink.id === "") {
// log('VISITING author: ' + authorName + ' (' + authorDisplayName + ')');
authorLink.id = 'bubble_author_' + {{JS_PREFIX}}_uuidv4();
// log('assigned id='+authorLink.id+' for authorLink by '+authorName);

} else if (authorDisplay.parentNode.innerHTML.indexOf('__bubble') !== -1) {
// log('NOT RE-VISITING article node for author: ' + authorName + ' (' + authorDisplayName + '), display.inner='+authorDisplay.parentNode.innerHTML);

} else {
// log('RE-VISITING article node for author: ' + authorName + ' (' + authorDisplayName + '), display.inner='+authorDisplay.parentNode.innerHTML);
let b = {{JS_PREFIX}}_create_block_control(article, authorName);
// console.log('inserting span='+b.id+' for article by '+authorName);

} catch (e) {
log('badness: '+e);
const blocked = {{JS_PREFIX}}_block_or_decorate(firstEval, article, authorLink, authorName, authorDisplay, blocked_users, 16);
if (blocked) return blocked;
if (firstEval) {
// console.log('>>> allowing post with firstAuthor = '+firstAuthor);
return false;
return null;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, param) {
const cid = href.indexOf(param+'=');
if (cid !== -1) {
const regex = new RegExp('&?'+param+'=[^?&]+', 'g');
href = href.replace(regex, '');
const qPos = href.indexOf('?');
if (href[qPos+1] === '&') {
href = href.substring(0, qPos) + href.substring(qPos+2);
function {{JS_PREFIX}}_div_is_comment(div) {
return div.getAttribute('data-sigil') === 'comment';

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_div_is_comment_reply(div) {
return div.getAttribute('data-sigil') === 'comment inline-reply';

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_story_comments() {
const path = window.location.pathname;
let containerId = null;
if (path.startsWith('/story.php')) {
containerId = 'm_story_permalink_view';
} else if (path.startsWith('/photo.php')) {
containerId = 'MPhotoLowerContent';
} else {
console.log("unknown story type: "+ path)
return [];
const container = document.getElementById(containerId);
if (container) {
return Array.from(container.getElementsByTagName('div'))
.filter(div => {{JS_PREFIX}}_div_is_comment(div));
} else if (container.length > 1) {
console.log('container not found: '+containerId);
return [];
return href;

function {{JS_PREFIX}}_apply_blocks(blocked_users) {
@@ -224,52 +295,73 @@ function {{JS_PREFIX}}_apply_blocks(blocked_users) {
const mobile = {{JS_PREFIX}}_mobile;
const log = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_log;

const articles = mobile
? {{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//article')
: Array.from({{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//div[@role="article" and @aria-posinset]'))
.filter(a => a.firstChild && a.firstChild.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV'
&& a.firstChild.className && a.firstChild.className === 'story_body_container');

for (let i=0; i<articles.length; i++) {
const article = articles[i];
const authorName = {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article);
if (authorName) {
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_article(article, authorName === true ? null : authorName);
Array.from(article.getElementsByTagName('a')).forEach(a => {
let href = a.href;
if (typeof href !== 'string' || href.length === 0) return;
if (a.className && a.className.indexOf('{{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed') !== -1) return;
if (a.className) {
a.className = a.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed';
} else {
a.className = '{{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed';
if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/story.php') || window.location.pathname.startsWith('/photo.php')) {
const comments = mobile
? {{JS_PREFIX}}_find_story_comments()
: []; // todo for desktop
comments.forEach(comment => {
try {
const block = {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block_comment(blocked_users, comment);
if (block) {
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item(block.item, block.author);
} catch (e) {
console.log('error processing comment: '+e);
} else {
const articles = mobile
? {{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//article')
: Array.from({{JS_PREFIX}}_getElementsByXPath('//div[@role="article" and @aria-posinset]'))
.filter(a => a.firstChild && a.firstChild.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'DIV'
&& a.firstChild.className && a.firstChild.className === 'story_body_container');

if (href.indexOf('facebook.com') !== -1 && href.indexOf('u=http') !== -1) {
const uPos = href.indexOf('u=http');
const andPos = href.indexOf('&');
if (andPos !== -1) {
href = href.substring(uPos + 2, andPos);
for (let i=0; i<articles.length; i++) {
const article = articles[i];
const block = {{JS_PREFIX}}_should_block(blocked_users, article);
if (block) {
{{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_item(block.item, block.author);
Array.from(article.getElementsByTagName('a')).forEach(a => {
let href = a.href;
if (typeof href !== 'string' || href.length === 0) return;
if (a.className && a.className.indexOf('{{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed') !== -1) return;
if (a.className) {
a.className = a.className + ' {{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed';
} else {
href = href.substring(uPos + 2);
a.className = '{{JS_PREFIX}}_fb_scrubbed';
href = decodeURIComponent(href);
href = {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, 'refid');
href = {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, '_ft_');
href = {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, '__tn__');

let offSite = href.indexOf('facebook.com/') === -1;
if (offSite) {
href = {{JS_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, 'fbclid');
a.href = href;
} else {
a.href = href;

if (href.indexOf('facebook.com') !== -1) {
if ({{JS_PREFIX}}_is_author_link(a.href) && a.href.indexOf('?') !== -1) {

} else if (href.indexOf('u=http') !== -1) {
const uPos = href.indexOf('u=http');
const andPos = href.indexOf('&');
if (andPos !== -1) {
href = href.substring(uPos + 2, andPos);
} else {
href = href.substring(uPos + 2);
href = decodeURIComponent(href);
href = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, 'refid');
href = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, '_ft_');
href = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, '__tn__');

let offSite = href.indexOf('facebook.com/') === -1;
if (offSite) {
href = {{PAGE_PREFIX}}_remove_param(href, 'fbclid');
a.href = href;
} else {
a.href = href;

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