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Bubble Vagrant Developer Setup |
============================== |
[Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) is a popular way to run pre-packaged software on virtual machines |
like VirtualBox and VMware. |
# Requirements |
Before starting a Vagrant box, you'll need install some software if you don't already have it: |
* [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) |
* [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) |
# Configuration |
There are a few environment variables you can use to configure how the Vagrant box is initialized. |
## Port Selection |
Do you have anything already listening on port 8090? If so, set the `BUBBLE_PORT` environment |
variable to some free port where the Bubble API can listen. Otherwise, it defaults to 8090. |
## Local Launcher and SSL Certificates |
Do you want to use this setup as a local launcher to start new Bubbles? If so, define |
the `LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL` to an email address that will be registered with |
[LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) when your Bubbles need to install SSL certificates. |
## Other Settings |
Read the Bubble [Vagrantfile](../Vagrantfile) for full information on all settings. |
# Starting |
To start the Bubble Vagrant box, run: |
```shell script |
vagrant up |
``` |
To start the Bubble Vagrant box with some environment variables (for example): |
```shell script |
LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=someone@example.com BUBBLE_PORT=8080 vagrant up |
``` |
The first time `vagrant up` runs it will take a long time to complete, since it needs to |
download and build a lot of stuff. For future runs of `vagrant up`, startup times will be |
much faster. |
When the command completes, you'll have a Vagrant box with the Bubble source code and all |
dependencies fully built and ready to run a local launcher. |
# Stopping |
To stop the Vagrant box, run: |
```shell script |
vagrant halt |
``` |
# Deleting |
To delete the Vagrant box, run: |
```shell script |
vagrant destroy [-f] |
``` |
If you supply `-f` then you will not be asked for confirmation. |
# Logging In |
When your Vagrant box is ready, you can login to it: |
```shell script |
vagrant ssh |
``` |
## Developing |
You can develop directly on the source files in the `${HOME}/bubble` folder, and |
recompile and build things there, OR you can develop locally on the host and periodically |
synchronize your source and/or build assets to the Vagrant box. |
The `/vagrant` directory on the Vagrant guest box is a shared folder. On the host side, it |
is the directory that the `Vagrantfile` is in (the top-level of the bubble repository). |
For various reasons, the Vagrant box does not build and work in this directory directly. Instead, |
when the box is created, `/vagrant` is copied to `${HOME}/bubble` and we run things from there. |
So, if you are doing development and building locally (on the host), and want to see |
your changes on the Vagrant box (guest), then copy your bubble jar from the host to the guest: |
```shell script |
cp /vagrant/bubble-server/target/bubble-server-*.jar ${HOME}/bubble/bubble-server/target/ |
``` |
To synchronize the entire directory (for example if you're editing sources on |
the host and building the jar on the guest): |
```shell script |
rsync -avzc /vagrant/* /vagrant/.* ${HOME}/bubble/ |
``` |
## What's Next |
Continue reading the [Bubble Developer Guide](dev.md) for information |
on how to update the source code, reset the database, and more. |