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- Install Required System Software
- ================================
- You only need to do this if you're [running from a binary distribution](run-binary.md)
- or [building and running from source](dev.md).
- If you're using the [Bubble Docker Launcher](docker-launcher.md) or
- [Bubble Vagrant Developer Setup](dev_vagrant.md), skip this step.
- ## Why Do This?
- You'll need to install some software for Bubble to work correctly.
- Bubble needs a PostgreSQL database, Redis, and a bunch of command line tools installed.
- It ensures that the appropriate packages are installed and proper databases and database users exist.
- You only need to install system software once, ever, on a given system.
- ### Ubuntu
- For Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 systems, run:
- ./bin/first_time_ubuntu.sh
- ### Mac OS X
- For Mac OS X systems, manual installation of the AdoptOpenJDK 11 is required.
- Download the [AdoptOpenJDK](https://adoptopenjdk.net/index.html?variant=openjdk11&jvmVariant=hotspot)
- and install it on your Mac.
- Then run:
- ./bin/first_time_macosx.sh
- On either Mac or Linux, when running first-time setup, you'll be asked for your password.
- This is required for the setup script to perform various configurations (like installing packages,
- etc) which require the use of `sudo`.
- ### Other Operating Systems
- The important things to install:
- * Java 11
- * Maven 3
- * PostgreSQL 10+ (12+ preferred)
- * Redis
- * Python 3.8+
- * Packer (try `bin/install_packer.sh` first, it might work fine)
- * Required tools: curl, jq, uuid, sha256sum, openssl, ssh, scp, rsync, npm, webpack, zip, unzip
- Look at the `first_time_ubuntu.sh` script and ensure you've basically done all that it does,
- including creating PostgreSQL users/databases.
- If you get Bubble bootstrapped on another platform and are feeling generous, please create a
- `./bin/first_time_some_new_os.sh` file to capture your work and submit a pull request so
- it can be shared with others.