The main Bubble source repository. Contains the Bubble API server, the web UI, documentation and utilities.
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  1. bubble
  2. ======
  3. # Development Setup
  4. The instructions presume you are running a newly setup Ubuntu 18.04 system. Either the Ubuntu Server or Desktop distribution will work.
  5. ## First-Time System Setup
  6. After you clone this repository, run:
  7. ./bin/
  8. If you are running on a non-Ubuntu system, copy that file to something like:
  9. ./bin/
  10. And then edit it such that all the same packages get installed. Then submit a pull request and we can add support for your operating system to the main repository.
  11. You only need to run this command once, ever, on a development system. It ensures that the appropriate packages are installed and proper databases and database users exist.
  12. ## First-Time Dev Setup
  13. After running the system setup above, run:
  14. ./bin/
  15. This will grab all the submodules and perform an initial build of all components.
  16. ## Bubble environment file
  17. You will need a file named `${HOME}/.bubble.env` which contains various environment variables required to run the server.
  18. Talk to another developer to get a copy of this file. Do not ever send this file over email or any other unencrypted channel.
  19. Always use `scp` to copy this file from one machine to another.
  20. After you have the env file in place, create a symlink called `${HOME}/.bubble-test.env`
  21. cd ${HOME} && ln -s .bubble.env .bubble-test.env
  22. ## Subsequent Updates
  23. If you want to grab the latest code, and ensure that all git submodules are properly in sync with the main repository, run:
  24. ./bin/
  25. This will update and rebuild all submodules, and the main bubble jar file.
  26. ## Running in development
  27. Assuming you ran the commands above, you can run a test server using the method described in the bubble-web [README](