#16 Download and expect upload of newtwork restore key

jonathan sapludināja 5 revīzijas no kris/download_network_restore_key uz master pirms 4 gadiem
kris komentēja pirms 4 gadiem
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jonathan komentēja pirms 4 gadiem

What testing remains before this can be merged?

What testing remains before this can be merged?
kris komentēja pirms 4 gadiem

All in btest8. I didn’t reach the steps of download and upload the key as per other issues for creating any bubble on btest8.

All in btest8. I didn't reach the steps of download and upload the key as per other issues for creating any bubble on btest8.
kris nomainīts nosaukums no WIP: (testing) Download and expect upload of newtwork restore key uz Download and expect upload of newtwork restore key pirms 4 gadiem
jonathan aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu pirms 4 gadiem
jonathan izdzēsa atzaru kris/download_network_restore_key pirms 4 gadiem
Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju 7b3961f42f.
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