소스 검색

update README to describe passing literal values in env vars

Jonathan Cobb 4 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일17개의 추가작업 그리고 12개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +17

+ 17
- 12
README.md 파일 보기

@@ -37,18 +37,29 @@ If you want to build from source:
# Installation
There are a few steps to installation:
* Generate the flex-router password
* Create an SSH key pair
* Create an auth token file
* Create an SSH key pair
* Install system service

## Generate the bubble-flexrouter password
During installation, choose a password for the service. It should be random and at least 30 characters long.

Store this password in securely someplace where the Bubble app can read it. Ideally this is *not* on the filesystem,
Bcrypt the password (use 12 rounds).

Store the plaintext (not bcrypted) password securely someplace where the Bubble app can read it. It will need
this password to register and unregister the router with the Bubble. Ideally this is *not* on the filesystem,
but in some internal app storage mechanism, since it will be stored in plaintext.

Bcrypt the password (use 12 rounds) and store the bcrypted value in a file. This file should only be readable by
the bubble-flexrouter system service.
Store the bcrypted value securely somewhere someplace where only the bubble-flexrouter service can read it.
If you store the bcrypted value in a file, ensure that only the bubble-flexrouter service can read the file.

## Create an auth token file
bubble-flexrouter uses an auth token to secure its connection to a Bubble.

During installation, generate a random token. This token must be at least 50 characters long.

Store the token securely somewhere someplace where only the bubble-flexrouter service can read it.
If you store the token in a file, ensure that only the bubble-flexrouter service can read the file.

## Create an SSH key pair
During installation, generate an RSA key pair:
@@ -60,12 +71,6 @@ In the above, `/some/secure/location` should be a path that is only readable by
When this step is done, `/some/secure/location` should be the path to the SSH private key and
`/some/secure/location.pub` should be the path to the SSH public key.

## Create an auth token file
bubble-flexrouter uses an auth token to secure its connection to a Bubble.

During installation, write a random token to a file. This token must be at least 50 characters long.
After writing the file, ensure that it is only readable by the bubble-flexrouter service.

## Install system service
Install bubble-flexrouter as a system service (Windows Service or Mac OS launch daemon) during Bubble app installation.

@@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ system routing table. This usually means Administrator (on Windows) or root (on
The service requires some environment variables to be set:

* `BUBBLE_FR_SSH_KEY` - full path to the *private* SSH key
* `BUBBLE_FR_PASS` - full path to the bcrypted password file
* `BUBBLE_FR_TOKEN` - full path to the auth token file
* `BUBBLE_FR_PASS` - full path to the bcrypted password file, or the actual bcrypted password prefixed with `@`
* `BUBBLE_FR_TOKEN` - full path to the auth token file, or the actual token prefixed with `@`

Run the service with these environment variables set.

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