Bubble documentation
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Bubble Repositories


The primary repository, contains the code for the Bubble API. Building this repository will build everything you need to start a local Bubble Boot Launcher, from which you can fork a proper cloud-based Bubble Launcher, which can then launch individual Bubbles.

This repository contains:

  • automation: the ansible roles to setup a new Bubble
  • bubble-server: the Bubble API
  • bin: scripts for working with Bubbles, including convenience scripts for working with the Bubble API
  • bubble-web: a submodule containing the front-end UI code
  • utils: utility code submodules

bubble submodules


The frontend user interface, built in VueJS.


Parser logic for AdBlockPlus-formatted filter files. Used by the BubbleBlock app.


Utility code that defines package versions for various dependencies


General utility code, used throughout bubble, and by other utility code


A long-ago fork of DropWizard, this repository provides a simple framework for building Jersey/JAX-RS APIs


A library used in testing to generate API documentation


A library used to send emails based on templates

Supporting Repositories

These repositories contain code that is built separately, and then included in bubble ansible roles.


A fork of https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy.git The bubble branch contains some minor changes to work with Bubble. The built binary is included in the algo repository, which is then packged and included in the ansible algo role in the bubble repository.


A fork of https://github.com/trailofbits/algo The bubble branch contains some minor changes to work with Bubble, including the bubble_zip.sh script, which packages the repository for inclusion in the ansible algo role in the bubble repository.


A fork of https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/ The bubble branch contains some minor changes to work with Bubble, including the bubble_zip.sh script, which packages the repository for inclusion in the ansible mitmproxy role in the bubble repository.


A low-level management system for deployed Bubble nodes. Written in Rust for high-performance and a small memory footprint. The resulting binary is included in the ansible bubble_finalizer role in the bubble repository.

Data Repositories

This repository contains data that is used at runtime by a Bubble.


Contains filter lists that are loaded (and periodically reloaded) by the BubbleBlock app.

Documentation Repositories

Bubble documentation.


Contains various documentation about the Bubble project.