Browse Source

initial commit

Jonathan Cobb 4 years ago
24 changed files with 1292 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 9
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.gitignore View File

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pom.xml View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

(c) Copyright 2019 Jonathan Cobb
This code is available under the Apache License, version 2:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>





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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
public class BlockDecision {

public static final BlockDecision BLOCK = new BlockDecision().setDecisionType(BlockDecisionType.block);
public static final BlockDecision ALLOW = new BlockDecision().setDecisionType(BlockDecisionType.allow);

@Getter @Setter BlockDecisionType decisionType = BlockDecisionType.allow;
@Getter @Setter List<BlockSpec> specs;

public BlockDecision add(BlockSpec spec) {
if (specs == null) specs = new ArrayList<>();
if (decisionType != BlockDecisionType.block && (spec.hasTypeMatches() || spec.hasSelector())) {
decisionType = BlockDecisionType.filter;
return this;


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

public enum BlockDecisionType {

block, allow, filter;

@JsonCreator public static BlockDecisionType fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;

import java.util.*;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true) @Slf4j
public class BlockList {

@Getter private Set<BlockSpec> blacklist = new HashSet<>();
@Getter private Set<BlockSpec> whitelist = new HashSet<>();

public void addToWhitelist(BlockSpec spec) {

public void addToWhitelist(List<BlockSpec> specs) {
for (BlockSpec spec : specs) addToWhitelist(spec);

public void addToBlacklist(BlockSpec spec) {

public void addToBlacklist(List<BlockSpec> specs) {
for (BlockSpec spec : specs) addToBlacklist(spec);

public void merge(BlockList other) {
for (BlockSpec allow : other.getWhitelist()) {
for (BlockSpec block : other.getBlacklist()) {

public BlockDecision getDecision(String fqdn, String path) {
for (BlockSpec allow : whitelist) {
if (allow.matches(fqdn, path)) return BlockDecision.ALLOW;
final BlockDecision decision = new BlockDecision();
for (BlockSpec block : blacklist) {
if (block.matches(fqdn, path)) {
if (!block.hasSelector()) return BlockDecision.BLOCK;
} else if (block.hasSelector()) {
return decision;


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.cobbzilla.util.http.HttpUtil;


import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.*;
import static;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true) @Slf4j
public class BlockListSource {

@Getter @Setter private String url;
@Getter @Setter private String format;

@Getter @Setter private Long lastDownloaded;
public long age () { return lastDownloaded == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : now() - lastDownloaded; }

@Getter @Setter private BlockList blockList = new BlockList();

public BlockListSource download() throws IOException {
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(HttpUtil.get(url)))) {
String line;
boolean firstLine = true;
while ( (line = r.readLine()) != null ) {
if (empty(line)) continue;
line = line.trim();
if (firstLine && line.startsWith("[") && line.endsWith("]")) {
format = line.substring(1, line.length()-1);
firstLine = false;
if (line.startsWith("!")) continue;
try {
if (line.startsWith("@@")) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("download("+url+"): error parsing line (skipping due to "+shortError(e)+"): " + line);
lastDownloaded = now();
return this;


+ 179
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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.cobbzilla.util.http.HttpContentTypes;
import org.cobbzilla.util.string.StringUtil;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.empty;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.http.HttpContentTypes.contentType;

@Slf4j @EqualsAndHashCode(of={"target", "domainExclusions", "typeMatches", "typeExclusions", "selector"})
public class BlockSpec {

public static final String OPT_DOMAIN_PREFIX = "domain=";
public static final String OPT_SCRIPT = "script";
public static final String OPT_IMAGE = "image";
public static final String OPT_STYLESHEET = "stylesheet";

@Getter private String line;
@Getter private BlockSpecTarget target;

@Getter private List<String> domainExclusions;
@Getter private List<String> typeMatches;
public boolean hasTypeMatches () { return !empty(typeMatches); }

@Getter private List<String> typeExclusions;

@Getter private String selector;
public boolean hasSelector() { return !empty(selector); }

public BlockSpec(String line, BlockSpecTarget target, List<String> options, String selector) {
this.line = line; = target;
this.selector = selector;
if (options != null) {
for (String opt : options) {
if (opt.startsWith(OPT_DOMAIN_PREFIX)) {

} else if (opt.startsWith("~")) {
final String type = opt.substring(1);
if (isTypeOption(type)) {
if (typeExclusions == null) typeExclusions = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
log.warn("unsupported option (ignoring): " + opt);

} else {
if (isTypeOption(opt)) {
if (typeMatches == null) typeMatches = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
log.warn("unsupported option (ignoring): "+opt);

private void processDomainOptions(String option) {
final String[] parts = option.split("\\|");
for (String domainOption : parts) {
if (domainOption.startsWith("~")) {
if (domainExclusions == null) domainExclusions = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
log.warn("ignoring included domain: "+domainOption);

public boolean isTypeOption(String type) {
return type.equals(OPT_SCRIPT) || type.equals(OPT_IMAGE) || type.equals(OPT_STYLESHEET);

public static List<BlockSpec> parse(String line) {

line = line.trim();
int optionStartPos = line.indexOf('$');
int selectorStartPos = line.indexOf("#");

// sanity check that selectorStartPos > optionStartPos -- $ may occur AFTER ## if the selector contains a regex
if (selectorStartPos != -1 && optionStartPos > selectorStartPos) optionStartPos = -1;

final List<BlockSpecTarget> targets;
final List<String> options;
final String selector;
if (optionStartPos == -1) {
if (selectorStartPos == -1) {
// no options, no selector, entire line is the target
targets = BlockSpecTarget.parseBareLine(line);
options = null;
selector = null;
} else {
// no options, but selector present. split into target + selector
targets = BlockSpecTarget.parse(line.substring(0, selectorStartPos));
options = null;
selector = line.substring(selectorStartPos+1);
} else {
if (selectorStartPos == -1) {
// no selector, split into target + options
targets = BlockSpecTarget.parse(line.substring(0, optionStartPos));
options = StringUtil.splitAndTrim(line.substring(optionStartPos+1), ",");
selector = null;
} else {
// all 3 elements present
targets = BlockSpecTarget.parse(line.substring(0, optionStartPos));
options = StringUtil.splitAndTrim(line.substring(optionStartPos + 1, selectorStartPos), ",");
selector = line.substring(selectorStartPos+1);
final List<BlockSpec> specs = new ArrayList<>();
for (BlockSpecTarget target : targets) specs.add(new BlockSpec(line, target, options, selector));
return specs;

public boolean matches(String fqdn, String path) {
if (target.hasDomainRegex() && target.getDomainPattern().matcher(fqdn).find()) {
return checkDomainExclusionsAndType(fqdn, contentType(path));

} else if (target.hasRegex()) {
if (target.getRegexPattern().matcher(path).find()) {
return checkDomainExclusionsAndType(fqdn, contentType(path));
final String full = fqdn + path;
if (target.getRegexPattern().matcher(full).find()) {
return checkDomainExclusionsAndType(fqdn, contentType(path));
return false;

public boolean checkDomainExclusionsAndType(String fqdn, String contentType) {
if (domainExclusions != null) {
for (String domain : domainExclusions) {
if (domain.equals(fqdn)) return false;
if (typeExclusions != null) {
for (String type : typeExclusions) {
switch (type) {
if (contentType.equals(HttpContentTypes.APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT)) return false;
if (contentType.startsWith(HttpContentTypes.IMAGE_PREFIX)) return false;
if (contentType.equals(HttpContentTypes.TEXT_CSS)) return false;
if (typeMatches != null) {
for (String type : typeMatches) {
switch (type) {
if (contentType.equals(HttpContentTypes.APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT)) return true;
if (contentType.startsWith(HttpContentTypes.IMAGE_PREFIX)) return true;
if (contentType.equals(HttpContentTypes.TEXT_CSS)) return true;
return false;
return true;


+ 102
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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.empty;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.http.HttpSchemes.stripScheme;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true) @EqualsAndHashCode(of={"domainRegex", "regex"})
public class BlockSpecTarget {

@Getter @Setter private String domainRegex;
public boolean hasDomainRegex() { return !empty(domainRegex); }
@Getter(lazy=true) private final Pattern domainPattern = hasDomainRegex() ? Pattern.compile(getDomainRegex()) : null;

@Getter @Setter private String regex;
public boolean hasRegex() { return !empty(regex); }
@Getter(lazy=true) private final Pattern regexPattern = hasRegex() ? Pattern.compile(getRegex()) : null;

public static List<BlockSpecTarget> parse(String data) {
final List<BlockSpecTarget> targets = new ArrayList<>();
for (String part : data.split(",")) {
return targets;

public static List<BlockSpecTarget> parseBareLine(String data) {
if (data.contains("|") || data.contains("/") || data.contains("^")) return parse(data);

final List<BlockSpecTarget> targets = new ArrayList<>();
for (String part : data.split(",")) {
targets.add(new BlockSpecTarget().setDomainRegex(matchDomainOrAnySubdomains(part)));
return targets;

private static BlockSpecTarget parseTarget(String data) {
String domainRegex = null;
String regex = null;
if (data.startsWith("||")) {
final int caretPos = data.indexOf("^");
if (caretPos != -1) {
// domain match
final String domain = data.substring(2, caretPos);
domainRegex = matchDomainOrAnySubdomains(domain);
} else {
final String domain = data.substring(2);
domainRegex = matchDomainOrAnySubdomains(domain);
} else if (data.startsWith("|") && data.endsWith("|")) {
// exact match
final String verbatimMatch = stripScheme(data.substring(1, data.length() - 1));
regex = "^" + Pattern.quote(verbatimMatch) + "$";

} else if (data.startsWith("/")) {
// path match, possibly regex
if (data.endsWith("/") && (
data.contains("|") || data.contains("?")
|| (data.contains("(") && data.contains(")"))
|| (data.contains("{") && data.contains("}")))) {
regex = data.substring(1, data.length()-1);

} else if (data.contains("*")) {
regex = parseWildcardMatch(data);
} else {
regex = "^" + Pattern.quote(data) + ".*";

} else {
if (data.contains("*")) {
regex = parseWildcardMatch(data);
} else {
regex = "^" + Pattern.quote(data) + ".*";
return new BlockSpecTarget().setDomainRegex(domainRegex).setRegex(regex);

private static String parseWildcardMatch(String data) {
final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("^");
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data, "*", true);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String token = st.nextToken();
b.append(token.equals("*") ? ".*?" : token);
return b.append("$").toString();

private static String matchDomainOrAnySubdomains(String domain) {
return ".*?"+Pattern.quote(domain)+"$";


+ 48
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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.ArrayUtil;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString
public class AbpClause {

@Getter @Setter private AbpClauseType type;
@Getter @Setter private AbpContains contains;
@Getter @Setter private AbpProperty[] properties;
@Getter @Setter private BlockSelector selector;

public static AbpClause buildAbpClause(AbpClauseType type, String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
final AbpClause abp = new AbpClause().setType(type);
if (!spec.startsWith("(") || !spec.endsWith(")")) throw parseError("expected abp clause to begin with open paren and end with close paren: "+spec);
spec = spec.substring(1, spec.length()-1);
switch (type) {
case contains:
return abp.setContains(;

case properties:
if (spec.startsWith("/") && spec.endsWith("/")) {
return abp.setProperties(new AbpProperty[]{
new AbpProperty()
.setValue(spec.substring(1, spec.length()-1))
AbpProperty[] props = new AbpProperty[0];
for (String prop : spec.split(";")) {
props = ArrayUtil.append(props, AbpProperty.buildProperty(prop));
return abp.setProperties(props);

case has:
if (!spec.startsWith(">")) throw parseError("expected abp-has argument to begin with > :"+spec);
spec = spec.substring(1);
return abp.setSelector(BlockSelector.buildNextSelector(spec.trim()));
throw parseError("invalid abp clause type: "+spec);


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

public enum AbpClauseParseState {

seeking_open_paren, seeking_close_paren;


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

public enum AbpClauseType {

properties, has, contains;

public static final String ABP_CLAUSE_PREFIX = ":-abp-";

@JsonCreator public static AbpClauseType fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }

public static AbpClauseType fromSpec(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
if (!spec.startsWith(ABP_CLAUSE_PREFIX)) throw parseError("invalid abp clause: "+spec);
return valueOf(spec.substring(ABP_CLAUSE_PREFIX.length()));

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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString
public class AbpContains {

@Getter @Setter private String value;
@Getter @Setter private AbpContainsType type;
@Getter @Setter private BlockSelector selector;

public static AbpContains build(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
if (spec.startsWith("/") && (spec.endsWith("/") || spec.endsWith("/i"))) {
return new AbpContains()
.setValue(spec.substring(1, spec.length()-1))
.setType(spec.endsWith("/i") ? AbpContainsType.case_insensitive_regex : AbpContainsType.regex);
if (spec.contains("[") && spec.contains("]")) {
return new AbpContains()
return new AbpContains().setType(AbpContainsType.literal).setValue(spec);

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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

public enum AbpContainsType {

literal, regex, case_insensitive_regex, selector;

@JsonCreator public static AbpContainsType fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@EqualsAndHashCode @ToString
public class AbpProperty {

@Getter @Setter private String name;
@Getter @Setter private AbpPropertyType type;
@Getter @Setter private String value;

public static AbpProperty buildProperty(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
final int colonPos = spec.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) throw parseError("invalid abp property (expecting colon): "+spec);
if (colonPos == 0) throw parseError("invalid abp property (expecting name): "+spec);
if (colonPos == spec.length()) throw parseError("invalid abp property (expecting value): "+spec);
String value = spec.substring(colonPos + 1);
if (value.contains("*")) {
final StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder();
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, "*", true);
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String tok = st.nextToken();
if (tok.equals("*")) {
} else {
return new AbpProperty()
.setName(spec.substring(0, colonPos))

} else {
return new AbpProperty()
.setName(spec.substring(0, colonPos))

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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

public enum AbpPropertyType {

exact, wildcard, regex;

@JsonCreator public static AbpPropertyType fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }


+ 165
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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.ArrayUtil;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorAttributeParseState.*;
import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;
import static org.cobbzilla.util.daemon.ZillaRuntime.empty;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@ToString(of={"type", "abpEnabled", "name", "cls", "attributes", "abp", "operator", "next"})
@EqualsAndHashCode(of={"type", "abpEnabled", "name", "cls", "attributes", "abp", "operator", "next"})
public class BlockSelector {

@Getter @Setter private String error;

@Getter @Setter private SelectorType type;
@Getter @Setter private Boolean abpEnabled;
public boolean abpEnabled() { return abpEnabled != null && abpEnabled; }

@Getter private String name;
public BlockSelector setName(String n) throws SelectorParseError {
final int dotPos = n.indexOf('.');
if (dotPos == -1) {
name = n;
} else {
if (dotPos == 0 || dotPos == n.length()-1) throw parseError("invalid name: "+n);
if (type == null) throw parseError("type not set, cannot set name: "+n);
name = n.substring(0, dotPos);
cls = n.substring(dotPos + 1);
switch (type) {
case id: type = SelectorType.id_and_cls; break;
case tag: type = SelectorType.tag_and_cls; break;
default: throw parseError("cannot add class to type "+type);
return this;

@Getter @Setter private String cls;
@Getter @Setter private SelectorAttribute[] attributes;
@Getter @Setter private AbpClause abp;
@Getter @Setter private SelectorOperator operator;
@Getter @Setter private BlockSelector next;

public static BlockSelector buildSelector(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
if (empty(spec)) return null;

if (spec.charAt(0) != '#') throw parseError("expected spec to begin with '#'");
spec = spec.substring(1);

final BlockSelector sel = new BlockSelector();
spec = SelectorType.setType(spec, sel);

return _buildSelector(spec, sel);

public static BlockSelector buildNextSelector(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
if (empty(spec)) return null;

final BlockSelector sel = new BlockSelector();
spec = SelectorType.setNextType(spec, sel);
return _buildSelector(spec, sel);

private static BlockSelector _buildSelector(String spec, BlockSelector sel) throws SelectorParseError {
boolean nameSet = false;
int bracketPos = spec.indexOf('[');
int spacePos = spec.indexOf(' ');
int abpPos = spec.indexOf(":-");
if ((spacePos != -1 && bracketPos > spacePos) || (abpPos != -1 && bracketPos > abpPos)) {
bracketPos = -1;
if (bracketPos != -1) {
sel.setName(spec.substring(0, bracketPos));
spec = spec.substring(bracketPos);
nameSet = true;
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(spec, "[] ", true);
SelectorAttributeParseState state = seeking_open_bracket;
String attrSpec = null;
int charsConsumed = 0;
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String tok = st.nextToken();
charsConsumed += tok.length();
switch (tok) {
case "[":
if (state != seeking_open_bracket) throw parseError("invalid attribute (expecting open bracket): "+spec);
state = seeking_close_bracket;

case "]":
if (state != seeking_close_bracket) throw parseError("invalid attribute (expecting close bracket): "+spec);
state = seeking_open_bracket;
sel.attributes = ArrayUtil.append(sel.attributes, SelectorAttribute.buildAttribute(attrSpec));

case " ":
if (state != seeking_open_bracket) throw parseError("invalid attribute (unexpected space, expecting close bracket): "+spec);
state = finished;

attrSpec = tok;
if (state == finished) break;
spec = spec.substring(charsConsumed);

if (abpPos != -1 && spacePos != -1 && abpPos > spacePos) abpPos = -1;
if (abpPos != -1) {
sel.setName(spec.substring(0, abpPos));
nameSet = true;

int openParen = spec.indexOf("(");
if (openParen == -1) throw parseError("found abp clause but no open paren: "+spec);
if (openParen == spec.length()-1) throw parseError("found abp clause but open paren has no closing paren: "+spec);
final AbpClauseType abpClauseType = AbpClauseType.fromSpec(spec.substring(abpPos, openParen));
spec = spec.substring(openParen);
int nestCount = 0;
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(spec, "()", true);
boolean done = false;
final StringBuilder abpSpec = new StringBuilder();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String tok = st.nextToken();
switch (tok) {
case "(":
case ")":
if (nestCount == 0) done = true;
if (done) break;
sel.setAbp(AbpClause.buildAbpClause(abpClauseType, abpSpec.toString()));
spec = spec.substring(abpSpec.length());

if (!nameSet) {
spacePos = spec.indexOf(' ');
if (spacePos == -1) {
return sel;

} else {
sel.setName(spec.substring(0, spacePos));
spec = spec.substring(spacePos).trim();

if (!empty(spec)) {
spec = SelectorOperator.setOperator(spec, sel);
return sel;


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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

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package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import lombok.*;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.ArrayUtil;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.NameAndValue;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

@NoArgsConstructor @Accessors(chain=true)
@ToString(of={"name", "comparison", "value", "style"})
@EqualsAndHashCode(of={"name", "comparison", "value", "style"})
public class SelectorAttribute {

@Getter @Setter private String name;
@Getter @Setter private SelectorAttributeComparison comparison;
@Getter @Setter private String value;
@Getter @Setter private NameAndValue[] style;

public static SelectorAttribute buildAttribute(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
final int eqPos = spec.indexOf('=');
if (eqPos == -1) throw parseError("invalid attribute ('=' not found): "+spec);
if (eqPos == 0) throw parseError("invalid attribute (nothing precedes '='): "+spec);

final SelectorAttribute attr = new SelectorAttribute();
switch (spec.charAt(eqPos-1)) {
case '^':
attr.setName(spec.substring(0, eqPos-1));
case '$':
attr.setName(spec.substring(0, eqPos-1));
case '*':
attr.setName(spec.substring(0, eqPos-1));
attr.setName(spec.substring(0, eqPos));
final int openQuote = spec.indexOf("\"");
if (openQuote == -1) throw parseError("invalid attribute (expected opening double-quote char following '='): "+spec);

final int closeQuote = spec.indexOf("\"", openQuote+1);
if (closeQuote == -1) throw parseError("invalid attribute (expected closing double-quote char after opening double-quote char): "+spec);

attr.setValue(spec.substring(openQuote + 1, closeQuote));
if (attr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("style")) {
attr.setStyle(buildStyles(spec.substring(openQuote + 1, closeQuote)));
return attr;

private static NameAndValue[] buildStyles(String spec) throws SelectorParseError {
NameAndValue[] styles = new NameAndValue[0];
for (String part : spec.split(";")) {
styles = ArrayUtil.append(styles, buildStyle(part));
return styles;

private static NameAndValue buildStyle(String style) throws SelectorParseError {
final int colonPos = style.indexOf(':');
if (colonPos == -1) throw parseError("invalid style (expected colon char): "+style);
if (colonPos == 0 || colonPos == style.length()-1) throw parseError("invalid style (no name or value): "+style);
return new NameAndValue(style.substring(0, colonPos), style.substring(colonPos+1));

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src/main/java/bubble/abp/spec/selector/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

public enum SelectorAttributeComparison {

equals, startsWith, endsWith, contains;

@JsonCreator public static SelectorAttributeComparison fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }


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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

public enum SelectorAttributeParseState {

seeking_open_bracket, seeking_close_bracket, finished;


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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

public enum SelectorOperator {

next, encloses;

@JsonCreator public static SelectorOperator fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }

public static String setOperator(String spec, BlockSelector sel) throws SelectorParseError {
spec = spec.trim();
if (spec.length() == 0) throw parseError("unexpected end of spec");
switch (spec.charAt(0)) {
case '+':
if (spec.charAt(1) != ' ') throw parseError("expected space after + operator: "+spec);
spec = spec.substring(2);
case '>':
if (spec.charAt(1) != ' ') throw parseError("expected space after > operator: "+spec);
spec = spec.substring(2);
// non-standard syntax, roll with it, assume they mean to enclose
if (!Character.isAlphabetic(spec.charAt(0))) throw parseError("expected alphabetic char: "+spec);
return spec;

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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

public class SelectorParseError extends RuntimeException {

public SelectorParseError(String s) { super(s); }

public static SelectorParseError parseError(String s) { return new SelectorParseError(s); }


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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package bubble.abp.spec.selector;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorParseError.parseError;

public enum SelectorType {

id, tag, cls, id_and_cls, tag_and_cls;

@JsonCreator public static SelectorType fromString (String v) { return valueOf(v.toLowerCase()); }

public static String setType(String spec, BlockSelector sel) throws SelectorParseError {
if (spec.startsWith("?")) {
spec = spec.substring(1);
if (!spec.startsWith("#")) throw parseError("invalid prefix: "+spec);
return setNextType(spec.substring(1), sel);

public static String setNextType(String spec, BlockSelector sel) throws SelectorParseError {
if (spec.startsWith("#")) {
spec = spec.substring(1);

} else if (spec.startsWith(".")) {
spec = spec.substring(1);

} else {
return spec;

+ 157
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src/test/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class BlockListTest {

public static final String BLOCK =;
public static final String ALLOW =;
public static final String FILTER =;

public static final String[][] BLOCK_TESTS = {
// rule // fqdn // path // expected decision

// bare hosts example (ala EasyList)
{"", "", "/some_path", BLOCK},
{"", "", "/some_path", BLOCK},
{"", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},

// block and all subdomains
{"||^", "", "/some_path", BLOCK},
{"||^", "", "/some_path", BLOCK},
{"||^", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},

// block exact string
{"||", "", "/", BLOCK},
{"||", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},
{"||", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},

// block, but not or
"", "/some_path", BLOCK},
"", "/some_path", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path", BLOCK},

// block images and scripts on, but not or
"", "/some_path", ALLOW},

// test image blocking
"", "/some_path.png", BLOCK},
"", "/some_path.png", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.png", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.png", BLOCK},

// test script blocking
"", "/some_path.js", BLOCK},
"", "/some_path.js", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.js", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.js", BLOCK},

// test stylesheet blocking
"", "/some_path.css", BLOCK},
"", "/some_path.css", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.css", ALLOW},
"", "/some_path.css", BLOCK},

// path matching
{"/foo", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},
{"/foo", "", "/foo", BLOCK},
{"/foo", "", "/foo/bar", BLOCK},

// path matching with wildcard
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/some_path", ALLOW},
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/foo", ALLOW},
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/foo/img", ALLOW},
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/foo/x/img", BLOCK},
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/foo/x/img.png", ALLOW},
{"/foo/*/img", "", "/foo/x/y/z//img", BLOCK},

// path matching with regex
{"/foo/(apps|ads)/img.+/", "", "/foo/x/y/z//img", ALLOW},
{"/foo/(apps|ads)/img.+/", "", "/foo/apps/img.png", BLOCK},
{"/foo/(apps|ads)/img.+/", "", "/foo/ads/img.png", BLOCK},
{"/foo/(apps|ads)/img.+/", "", "/foo/bar/ads/img.png", ALLOW},

"", "/ad.png", ALLOW},
"", "/ad.png", BLOCK},
"", "/ad.png", BLOCK},
"", "/ad.png", BLOCK},
"", "/ad.png", BLOCK},
"", "/ad.png", ALLOW},
"", "/ad.png", ALLOW},

// selectors
{"", "", "/ad.png", FILTER},

// putting it all together
"", "/some_path", FILTER},
"", "/some_path", FILTER},
"", "/some_path", FILTER},
"", "/some_path", FILTER},

@Test public void testRules () throws Exception {
for (String[] test : BLOCK_TESTS) {
final BlockDecisionType expectedDecision = BlockDecisionType.fromString(test[3]);
final BlockList blockList = new BlockList();
assertEquals("testBlanketBlock: expected "+expectedDecision+" decision, test=" + Arrays.toString(test),
blockList.getDecision(test[1], test[2]).getDecisionType());

public String[] SELECTOR_SPECS = {

@Test public void testMultipleSelectorMatches () throws Exception {
final BlockList blockList = new BlockList();
for (String line : SELECTOR_SPECS) {
BlockDecision decision;

decision = blockList.getDecision("", "/some_path");
assertEquals("expected filter decision", BlockDecisionType.filter, decision.getDecisionType());
assertEquals("expected 1 filter specs", 2, decision.getSpecs().size());

decision = blockList.getDecision("", "/some_path");
assertEquals("expected filter decision", BlockDecisionType.filter, decision.getDecisionType());
assertEquals("expected 2 filter specs", 2, decision.getSpecs().size());

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src/test/java/bubble/abp/spec/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package bubble.abp.spec;

import bubble.abp.spec.selector.*;
import org.cobbzilla.util.collection.NameAndValue;
import org.junit.Test;

import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorAttributeComparison.*;
import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorOperator.encloses;
import static;
import static bubble.abp.spec.selector.SelectorType.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class SelectorTest {

public static final Object[][] SELECTOR_TESTS = new Object[][] {
{"###foo", new BlockSelector().setType(id).setName("foo")},
{"", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo")},
{"##foo", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo")},

{"##foo > .bar", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo").setOperator(encloses)
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("bar"))},
{"##foo + .bar", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo").setOperator(next)
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("bar"))},

{"##foo > bar", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo").setOperator(encloses)
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("bar"))},
{"##foo + bar", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo").setOperator(next)
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("bar"))},

{"[href=\"bar\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(equals).setValue("bar")
{"[href^=\"bar\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(startsWith).setValue("bar")
{"[href$=\"bar\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(endsWith).setValue("bar")
{"[href*=\"bar\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(contains).setValue("bar")

{"[href=\"bar\"][target^=\"_blank\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(equals).setValue("bar"),
new SelectorAttribute().setName("target").setComparison(startsWith).setValue("_blank")

{"[href=\"bar\"][target^=\"_blank\"][style*=\"width:300px;height:100px\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("foo").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(equals).setValue("bar"),
new SelectorAttribute().setName("target").setComparison(startsWith).setValue("_blank"),
new SelectorAttribute().setName("style").setComparison(contains).setValue("width:300px;height:100px")
.setStyle(new NameAndValue[] {
new NameAndValue("width", "300px"),
new NameAndValue("height", "100px")

{"##foo > .bar[src*=\"advert\"][height=\"30\"] + img > #ad_foo[src$=\".png\"]", new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("foo")
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(cls).setName("bar").setAttributes(
new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("src").setComparison(contains).setValue("advert"),
new SelectorAttribute().setName("height").setComparison(equals).setValue("30")
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("img")
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(id).setName("ad_foo").setAttributes(
new SelectorAttribute[] {
new SelectorAttribute().setName("src").setComparison(endsWith).setValue(".png")

public static final Object[][] ABP_TESTS = new Object[][] {
{"#?#div:-abp-properties(width:300px;height:250px;)", new BlockSelector()
new AbpClause()
.setProperties(new AbpProperty[] {
new AbpProperty().setName("width").setType(AbpPropertyType.exact).setValue("300px"),
new AbpProperty().setName("height").setType(AbpPropertyType.exact).setValue("250px")

{"#?#div:-abp-has(> div > img.advert)", new BlockSelector()
new AbpClause()
.setSelector(new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("div").setOperator(encloses)
.setNext(new BlockSelector().setType(tag_and_cls).setName("img").setCls("advert"))))},

{"#?#div:-abp-has(> span:-abp-contains(Advertisement))", new BlockSelector()
new AbpClause().setType(AbpClauseType.has)
.setSelector(new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("span").setAbp(
new AbpClause().setType(AbpClauseType.contains).setContains(
new AbpContains().setType(AbpContainsType.literal).setValue("Advertisement")

{"#?#div > img:-abp-properties(/width: 3[2-8]px;/)", new BlockSelector()
new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("img").setAbp(
new AbpClause().setType( AbpProperty[]{
new AbpProperty().setType(AbpPropertyType.regex).setValue("width: 3[2-8]px;")

{"#?#.panel:-abp-contains(a[href*=\"\"])", new BlockSelector()
new AbpClause().setType(AbpClauseType.contains).setContains(
new AbpContains().setType(AbpContainsType.selector).setSelector(
new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("a").setAttributes(new SelectorAttribute[]{
new SelectorAttribute().setName("href").setComparison(contains).setValue("")

{"#?#.cls-content ol:-abp-contains(Download Foo)", new BlockSelector()
new BlockSelector().setType(tag).setName("ol").setAbp(
new AbpClause().setType(AbpClauseType.contains).setContains(
new AbpContains().setType(AbpContainsType.literal).setValue("Download Foo")

@Test public void testSelectorParsing () throws Exception { runTests(SELECTOR_TESTS); }
@Test public void testAbpParsing () throws Exception { runTests(ABP_TESTS); }

private void runTests(Object[][] tests) throws SelectorParseError {
for (Object[] test : tests) {
final String spec = test[0].toString();
final BlockSelector sel = BlockSelector.buildSelector(spec);
assertEquals("BlockSelector object is incorrect for spec: "+spec, test[1], sel);

